Who here can change my screen name? I need to change it to "Doug@DBW Motorsports" if possible. Thanks
I think its a Matt thing to do on the admin side not on the moderator side, or at least I tried to do it for ya a bit ago no luck.
YES!!!! Thanks for getting that changed No I am no longer working for TSM, I am in the process of starting up something new
damn it matt. you're right. Well good luck to you and your next venture! You probably have the best subaru tuning rep in Georgia so I don't think you will have a problem.
We have two new in house tuners. On specializing in JUST Subaru Evo and another doing GT-R and other brands. Also just for the record, no bad blood with Doug other than it just wasn't a good match anymore.
This is VERY different than how Scott "moved on" We wish Doug the best and will likely work with him from time to time in the future.
I want to post so much more but do not have a "sponsor account" yet. So I will just let my last decade of work speak for me Thank you MATT for changing my SN XXXOO
good luck in your future endeavors, Doug! Let me know if you need help with anything vendor related. We'll get you set up.
Whole lot of win in this thread! Doug let me know if you need a PC or Laptop or anything for the biz, I have a few laying around.