Turn 10a and b. I just uploaded it and it says that it's still processing so quality might become better later? I dunno. I rarely upload (my last upload was a crash in the same spot) to youtube. Glad he was okay, they ended up red flagging that race about ten minutes later from a different crash at turn 12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ctcdYRJZkoY (and if you never saw it, another crash from a few years ago http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImRIoWJRH78 )
where were you Jason and I are setup right next to the bridge we saw both wrecks there today. Edit: can't get the video to play on my iPhone
ok got it to play. That wasn't the bad one. The bad one was in the same spot like 10 mins later. Dude was out cold for 5+ mins.
Even that dude looked pretty shaken up... Wasn't sure if he was hurt, or was waiting for a break in the action to get up and away...