Talladega G.P.R. Track day Information. RULES AND REGULATIONS AT THE TRACK. The day will be split into several groups such as Novice Beginner, Novice, Intermediate, & Experienced. The Novice group will have one or more control riders & or Instructors setting a moderate sport pace. If your Instructor & you are both comfortable for you to drive alone, your Instructor will sign you off to drive SOLO. You will continue to drive in the same Group that you are assigned to. Group assignments are not written in stone, some riders may be moved up or down as needed during the day. Spaces are limited to 5 to 6 cars per group. All drivers & guest will be required to sign a Waiver before entering the Gate. Guest Ride A longs will not be permitted. None Registered Drivers will not be permitted in the Pit Area or on the Track in any form. A small $5.00 per day gate fee will be charged to any Guest entering the facility. Talladega G.P.R. track days will have ambulance and trained corner workers Track Hours will be from 08:00am-11.00am and 12.00pm-5.00pm Limited Electricity service is available. 115v $10.00/day, 30& 50 amp $15.00/day per event. All riders are responsible for their own medical insurance No alcohol consumption during the track day Pit road and paddock speed limit is 15mph No wheelies, burnouts or doughnuts in the pit or paddock area. Pets must be on a leash. No pets in ANY building. Only properly registered riders will be allowed to ride on the track. Anyone on the track without proper registration or anyone allowing, encouraging or facilitating an unregistered rider on the track will be asked to leave the facility and banned from future events. No motorized vehicles allowed on the track before or after scheduled track day hours Entry and exit crossings will not be done during active track sessions. TRACK & DRIVER RULES & REGULATIONS CONTINUED: 1. No open pipes 2 .Vehicles will be allowed on track only while an ambulance is standing by and ready to respond immediately, during events requiring an ambulance. 3. Lessee must ensure all personnel entering the facility sign the appropriate waivers each day. 4. No standing or sitting on hot pit wall. 5. No loitering on hot pit road. 6. All children must be supervised at all times. 7. Post no bills on any surface except for designated bulletin boards. 8. Speed limit in the pit and paddock area is 15mph. 9. No burnouts, spinning tires or throwing stones in the paddock area. 10. The lessee & the drivers will be responsible for any damage to the track surface or facility in any manner. 11. Only vehicles of comparable performance on the track at same time. 12. No refueling or oil changing on any asphalt surface. 13. Any oil or fuel spill will be cleaned up immediately. 14. Any vehicle with any fluid leaks will not be allowed on the track surface until repaired. 15. Property will be vacated by 7:00pm on the last day of the contracted event. 16. No motorized vehicle allowed on the track after hot track hours. 17. The race track will be one way traffic at all times. We will be running Counter Clockwise. 18. Lessee will be responsible to supply an acceptable number of safety crew as per type of event. 19. All Pit Crews and Pit Kart Riders will wear a Proper Helmet. 20. All drivers will be required to have a Snell 1995 or higher rated Helmet. 21. Authorized personnel only in starter's stand.