COBB Accessport Stage 1

Discussion in 'Modifications & DIY how-to' started by JJang12, Nov 8, 2004.

  1. JJang12

    JJang12 Active Member

    I finally stepped up from Stromung catback on performance part. I flashed 93oct Stage 1 as base map and realtime map as well. Turbo kicks in much smoother. (due to OL & CL transition change).

    1st - 2nd gears are too fast
    3rd pull is very strong. I feel like i can pass slightly above 90 mph at redline. (before I barely or couldn't make it to 90 MPH at 3rd).
    4th pull is alot stronger.
    i kinda never experimented 5th gear pull cuz i don't wanna drive triple digits speed on I-285 or 141.

    Peak Boost is around 15.8 PSI. My stock peak boost was 14.5 PSI. I have Defi Mech boost gauge, but i feel like its reading little higher.

    Do I recommend??? Hell YEAH!!!! Going to up with Stage 2 soon as possible.
  2. GTscoob

    GTscoob Black is Beautiful

    awesome results!
  3. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    you couldn't hit 90 in 3rd before accessport but u can do it now?

    im going to post details about an evening at the drag strip... nice place to really test out ur mods :)
  4. JJang12

    JJang12 Active Member

    at the redline at 3rd, it was like 89. but not it's more like 92 or 94. Let me do some run tomorrow night. gotta study for Thermodynamic crapS tonight.

    by they way, will this mod hurt me on Autocross for class level???
  5. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    definitely not in stock class anymore.... but u can run novice for 2 events
  6. GTscoob

    GTscoob Black is Beautiful

    As long as you didnt change from stock boost I think you should be alright.

    I believe raising the boost automatically puts you in SM.
  7. SonicBoom

    SonicBoom Active Member

    Just ordered my accessport from They have them in stock so hopefully it'll be here soon...I can't wait!
  8. RADON

    RADON Member

    I'm happy with my AP stage 2. Got it in 3days from
  9. rexrocker

    rexrocker Active Member

    Congrats on the AP Rod! That's awesome man. I'm still in my "I- dunno-probably-ProdriveStage3-maybe-I-dunno-I-need-cash-phase." Glad to see you made your decision!!! :bigthumb:

    - Clay
  10. RADON

    RADON Member

    Took me a while there, Clay. But, ultimately decided to try the AP. I figured the worst case would be... I don't like and I sell it, only losing a little money.
  11. SonicBoom

    SonicBoom Active Member

    Just got my accessport today(running stage 1)....all I can say is WOW! I don't know what all the nay sayers are talking about. I felt a huge difference right away. Turbo comes on way faster and power is way smoother to redline. On the highway, 5th gear felt punchy like 4th... Smoked a Golf R32 like he was standing still on 75S.

    You may be able to squeeze a couple more horse from Ecutek or Utec...but its another 400 bucks plus tuning.... I dont have the knowhow or the cash 4 that. Accessport is 'Set it and Forget it!'

    Can't wait till I get my TurboXS uppipe and TBE to run Stage 2(coming next month..) Feels like a whole different car..

    Got Boost?
  12. ScoobyMike

    ScoobyMike OG Mod

    I've been thinking long and hard now for about 3 weeks on which eng. mgt. to get. I think that I'm going to go with the COBB Accessport. I was just wondering about the guys that do have it, How much more power to you think you gained with it? Roughly? And does it help it if I already have mods done to my car? Help me out y'all I don't know much about electrical stuff.
  13. yerrow

    yerrow Active Member

    AP stage 2 is gonna be my xmas present to myself.
  14. SonicBoom

    SonicBoom Active Member

    Scoob, couldn't tell you how much power I've gained from stage 1. Car is stock besides k & n, wheels/tires, and Mobil syntec. All I can tell you is what I said earlier, By far the best bang for the buck I've bought so far. I noticed a huge difference! As far as adapting to your mods I would think Cobb has a map for most mod combos. I'm not going to nuts, just Up/Tbe so I know they have me covered...

    yerrow.. Accessport and Stage 2 coming is also my Christmas presents for myself... have to be somewhat selfish sometimes.. If the accessport alone made that much difference, I can't wait to see what removing 2 cats and running full tbe/up is going to do...

    Got boost?
  15. GTscoob

    GTscoob Black is Beautiful

    Accessport sounds really good but none of their presets work with my mods.

    I'm probably gonna go Ecutek or Utec.
  16. ScoobyMike

    ScoobyMike OG Mod

    Well I don't have that much done just, CAI, STI intercooler,Uppipe,TBE,BOV, but later this month I'm getting a fuel pump and for Xmas probably Pink injectors. I just didn't know if Cobb accessport had a map that would go with all my mods. Who knows right? I guess I gotta do some more research...Thanks tho..:bigthumb:
  17. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    i'd like to share some of my knowledge... i did the research a while ago when i was looking for engine management... dunno if im still totally correct... those with more experience can correct me if im wrong:

    accessport will make less power than ecutek and utec since the later 2 can be tuned... this might not be much of a difference at stage 1 but as u keep modifying ur car the difference in power starts geting bigger and bigger... utec also comes with base maps but these are primarily made so that the car is driveable... these maps are far from optimal for ur car...

    i would strongly recommend going with tunable engine management... both utec and ecutek have their own pros and cons... but u can't really go wrong with either... i know that jason porter is a good ecutek tuner and kevin (knowledge performance) is a good utec tuner...

    might as well spend a few hundred bucks now than need to replace accessport later on... its better to do something right the first time
  18. JJang12

    JJang12 Active Member

    of course AP will make less HP compare to professionally customized tuned ECUtek and Utec. But it's a lot cheaper.

    After I put my Stromung catback, I really didn't feel big jump on power. BUT wtih AP Stage 1, the power was very niticable.

    I did 3rd pull test last night, boost was holding 14.7 PSI till 5.5~6K according to AP Live Boost gauge.

    I already want to put UP & DP (Crucial Racing one) asap, so I can go upto stage 2.
  19. SonicBoom

    SonicBoom Active Member

    milo, don't forget, accesstuner is coming soon...that should even the playing field with the others... also, its sounds like you have a little more chedder than the rest of us...$400 extra 4 the parts then $150 an hour to tune everytime you want to mess with it is not peanuts...
  20. GTscoob

    GTscoob Black is Beautiful

    Accesstuner looks pretty good.

    Man there is so much engine management out for our cars now!
    Ecutek, Utec, Xede, AP, Hydra, etc not to mention universal standalones like TEC-3
  21. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    You forgot Vishnu :)

    My opinion...coming soon.
  22. GTscoob

    GTscoob Black is Beautiful


    OWNED!!!!! jk
  23. RADON

    RADON Member

    The AP is a very nice, fairly inexpensive map transport device if and only if you are not going to go hog wild on mods. Plus you have the option of eventually upgrading to accesstuner or selling the AP should you put back to stock or decide to go another route.

    Personally, I just added a nice turboback/uppipe and went stage 2. It fits my needs/wants perfectly.

    As a side note, it's encouraging and good all of us to see so many options for aftermarket EM. Different strokes for different folks as they say.

    I plan on dyno'ing sometime soon to see what I'm acutally putting down. In the meantime, I'll be glad to meet up with anyone who wants to see a real world AP Stage2 4EAT Wagon :p


    On a side, are the Northpoint meets still ongoing with the cooler weather?
  24. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    *sigh* :eek:

    Owned? :slap:

    My appologies, this is why you do not post while you are in the middle of something else :cool:
  25. GTscoob

    GTscoob Black is Beautiful

    Hey Rod, I may take you up on that offer.

    I've been curious to see how a stockish 4EAT performs, compared to my high-stall TC and other mods.
  26. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    chris: i'll read up on accesstuner and get back to u... by the way are u planning on tuning it urself?

    also i dont think i have more money than u guys... just that i take my time and save up for what i want
  27. SonicBoom

    SonicBoom Active Member

    milo, I really don't think I'll get/have a need for the accesstuner, Stage 2 will be plenty fast 4 me. There are several maps for bigger turbo's if I ever get squirly... All I was saying is that the Accessport has most mods covered, and if you need tuneability down the line you can upgrade your accessport to the accesstuner for a couple hundred to get the bennies of the others...
    If you took offense to my comment about you having more money than the rest of us I apologize... All I was saying was I think the people on this thread like the cost/ease of use and in my opinion, bank 4 your buck of the accessport...
  28. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    no offense taken dude... i agree that accessport is a great bang for the buck... i guess i just think differently.... by the way am i the only one on this board with UTEC?
  29. Dellwin

    Dellwin Member

    I have one also.. problem is it is still in it's box in my basement.

  30. ajw2722

    ajw2722 New Member

    I've been considering Engine Mgmt options for months now!

    It's a cost effeciency issue for me - That it why I am 95% sure I will go with Accessport! I would love to run UTEC and have KPI tune it, but my $$$$ will not allow it and I don't feel like waiting to get it!
  31. ScoobyMike

    ScoobyMike OG Mod

    Tell me about it man. I'm still researching about engine mgt. I've looked about about everything possible. Accessport it great but with me, It would piss me off to know that I could probably make more power with like UTEC or Ecutek. But there so much $$$.
  32. JJang12

    JJang12 Active Member

    I guess if MONEY is problem, AP is the best. I never owned ECUtek or Utec, but from my previous research, dollar to HP wise, AP is the top choice among most subaru members.

    Guess how much I paid for my BRAND NEW AcessPort!!!!

    $385 shipped

    It is the portable device, NOT just ECU upgrade that you send to COBB. I kinda didn't want to leak this info cuz it's my secret source.
  33. JJang12

    JJang12 Active Member

  34. ajw2722

    ajw2722 New Member

    Okay, where's the secret hook-up?

    $385 for AccessPort Shipped? Is this new, even if it isn't that a super price! :bigthumb:
  35. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    i have no problems with links to nasioc...
  36. RADON

    RADON Member

    That thread references just the reflashes which is $395 for Cobb Stage 2.
  37. JJang12

    JJang12 Active Member

    I know that reflash is $395, but i paid 385 for AccessPORT. I'll share my secrets with you guys.

    1. Get Chase Subaru Master Card (3% reward with Subaru Bucks)
    2. Check NASIOC Private F/S for members selling their subaru bucks
    3. Buy as much as you need.
    4. Look for vendors that take Subaru bucks and also sells Aftermarket performance
    5. Send them subaru bucks
    6. SMILE at your GREAT Saving!!!

    I bought 5 of Subaru Bucks, and added my first subary bucks for AP purchase.

    5 of subaru Bucks = $380
    Postage to the vendor = $5
    Cobb Accessport = $595


    Everything else there is the Master Card. :bigthumb: :bigthumb:

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