
Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by slpymnky, Mar 1, 2006.

  1. slpymnky

    slpymnky Member

    I'm trying to decide what colleges to apply to. I want to apply to:

    UGA (safety)
    Tech (maybe)
    UNC Chapell Hill
    UC Berkeley (First choice, reach school)

    Any suggestions or advice? Are there any schools I listed that I shouldn't apply to? Any schools I didn't list that I should apply to? Thanks in advance for any help. I'm kind of freaking out about college.
  2. mattprzy

    mattprzy Active Member

    One more you should apply to is Georgia State University.

    And if you can't get into anything at all, Gainesville or Perimeter will take you! (community colleges, Gainesville just got 2 four year programs and turned into Gainesville State College). I'm at Gainesville.... I kinda wish I did all my homework back in high school now...
  3. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    what do u want to study?
  4. bassplayer

    bassplayer Member

    my vote is chapel hill out of all of them, but i may be biased. it is an amazing school tho.
  5. Deke

    Deke Active Member

    It has an amazing number of hotties at least.
  6. 1ll-WRX

    1ll-WRX Active Member

    have to agree with Milo, it would depend on area of study...unless your truly undecided then i would say go to the school that offers you the most $....get your core classes in then if need be look into a transfer and hopefully most of your credits will carry over :sx:
  7. slpymnky

    slpymnky Member

    I know I want to get into business or IT or both or something like that.
  8. bigb996

    bigb996 teh Wannabe Mod

    are you wanting to party and meet chicks? or just get a good education?:)
  9. slpymnky

    slpymnky Member

    Both would be nice.

    I've been to Berkeley many many times, but only this past summer did I get a chance to hang out in Berkeley. I saw three concerts there (Widespread, of course). I really have my heart set on going back California, but I am not sure how good my chances are of getting into Berkeley and I don't know that it's worth it to go to another UC and pay out of state when UGA is just as good if not better.

    I have no idea where I want to go for sure besides Berkeley.
  10. bigb996

    bigb996 teh Wannabe Mod

    california berkeley? or is there another one? if your talking bout to cali one ive been by it and talk about a beautiful area.

    UGA is fun to party at and theres lot of beautiful women. Its just overcrowded IMO.
  11. slpymnky

    slpymnky Member

    Yeah, I'm talking about California Berkeley. I just love Nor Cal.

    The biggest complaint I've heard about UGA is that it's like High School continued.
  12. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Come to tech like 33% of WRXatlanta, its where the partay's at :keke:
  13. slpymnky

    slpymnky Member

    You do mean the sausage party, right? ;)
  14. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Ouch... :fawk:
  15. Deke

    Deke Active Member

    I wouldn't say that. If you want to see 13th grade, go to somewhere small and private like Furman or Mercer, UGA is so huge I can't imagine anyone comparing it to high school. It's ranked pretty well, however I'm pretty sure from a students perspective it would be a joke compared to Tech. If your family has the money go to some of the Cali schools. Since it seems liek you feel at least that you have some pretty good credentials, why not try some prestigious east coast school? Duke and Vandy both have a great campus (I probably would've gone to Vandy had I been able to afford it. Maybe even shoot for Ivy League? If you can get in and afford an Ivy League you're pretty much set for life.

    Edit: Didn't realize Vandy was already on your list.
  16. wrxin8or

    wrxin8or Mullitt Staff Member

    yeah well like 50% of my graduating class went to UGA, so i chose to go to somewhere where no one else went. and if you are looking into the business end of the world, i would recommend Clemson University. it isnt that far from tha ATL, but it is far enough to visit occasionally for laundry (read: every time i go home). plus, it is a lot more fun that any other school you listed.

    also, if you would like, all of us can try to influence you of our opinions at the 555 party
  17. WRX-WRC

    WRX-WRC Active Member

    i would say go to berkeley if you like to smoke the reefer :420:
  18. slpymnky

    slpymnky Member

    Reefer? Who? Me? No. Huh?

    That's not my reason for wanting to go there though, since that applies to almost any college in Colorado and California.
  19. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    GT's business school is well ranked.
  20. slpymnky

    slpymnky Member

    I just really want to get out of Atlanta.
  21. I think you need to decide whether your going business or IT. Thats two totally different paths.

    If you go with business....dont count out Georgia State University. Thats where I go after being accepted to many other schools. The GSU business college is a nationally ranked school now. Everything that has to do with the business college is top notch here. The biggest thing is recruiting. I graduate in december and I already have a job in the bag (if I choose to stay with them at the end of summer) with Turner Broadcasing Systems (TBS) and I only have a 3.1 GPA. Everybody big comes here looking for students. Oh, by the way I'm in accounting.

    What you said about UGA being like high school is SOOOO true. And about the GA Tech business college, well all I can say about them is they will be working UNDER me in the company.:naughty::rofl: But if you are going IT then yeah...GA Tech all the way.

    The only thing that sucks about GSU is we dont have a FOOTBALL TEAM yet. GRRRRR
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2006
  22. Deke

    Deke Active Member

    If you want to go business and get out of Atlanta, I'm telling you, your best bet is Ivy League. Due to your list of potentials it definitely looks like you'd have the money and the smarts for one. All you have to do is get in and then your golden. The average GPA from those school is like a mid 3 and everyone is automatically going to take you more seriously if you have Harvard or Yale on your resume.
  23. slpymnky

    slpymnky Member

    My GPA is alright: 3.7 unweighted. From what I have been seeing, most of the colleges on my list have an average GPA of 3.9, but I am hoping since by the time I graduate, I will have 9 AP classes, that might be able to make up for it. My sat is 1970, but I am hoping to get that up to a 2100+.

    That would barely get me into Berkeley, let alone an ivy leagure. Lol.
  24. BelvnAWD

    BelvnAWD I'm Vin, Bell-Vin...

    I understand that graduating from a well known school has some inherent advantages, but I think its more important that you go somewhere that you feel comfortable with, has the type of educational environment you need and is somewhere you can enjoy your non-academic down time. After you get into the workforce, it won't really matter where you graduated from unless its Harvard or Yale, even then, that only gets you so far.
  25. yeah...dont get caught up in all this "prestigous school" BS. YOU will get yourself further than the school will get you. What I mean is, when you go on an interview they are not going to care what school you are from if you cant cut it there. Know what I mean...know I'm not saying that the college has nothing to do with it. Like I said, GSU has a VERY good business school. It means more in the recruiting area....what companies come to the school to look for students.

    By the way...what area of business are you looking at?
  26. slpymnky

    slpymnky Member

    I'm not sure what area I want to go into. But the main reason I want to go to Berkeley is that I LOVE Nor Cal and I love the area and there is so much to do and the school is a good school.
  27. I don't want to highjack your thread but...

    Do you know how to convert a 5.0 GPA scale to a 4.0 GPA? My GPA could be better but i shouldn't have taken AP Psychology. See, my SAT is only 1840, and total of 5 APs. I wish to go to Emory, but as far i'm seeing it i doubt i can. I have done some service work at United Way and stuff. Also, I wish to stay in state and study Business Adminstration. Oxford Emory seems nice too, I went to their open house yestorday. I peronsally like smaller colleges then those huge ones like Tech and UGA. And you can't deny they are party schools (well...mostly UGA).
  28. Deke

    Deke Active Member

    ahh, fuck these crazy +1600 SAT scores. They need to slash the writing section, I don't like having to figure out what a good score is now since it's on a scale 0f 2400.

    Anyways, since your current situation is how it is, I think Ivy League is out of the question. So...go somewhere in nor cal, be happy.
  29. flip

    flip Member

    ^ agreed about the fun to party and the women, but some of the people that i've seen graduate from there couldn't spell their major... ;)

    Another school in GA that is really great for computer science, it, engenering, and a ton more is Southern Polytechnic State. Its not talked about as much as some of the others and it is pretty difficult but you'll get a GREAT education.

    Downside, its like 10-1 guys to girls. But hey, easier to concentrate right LOL. You could always head up to kennesaw for the women...
  30. flip

    flip Member

    Hey, if you decide to work for Turner, welcome to the team! ;) It is a really great place to work here. I love it :).
  31. nsvwrx

    nsvwrx Active Member

    Brekely isnt all that hard to get in relatively....u'll be fine
  32. sol drums

    sol drums Active Member

    just thought i'd pimp my fav school

    West Virginia University

    <- Yes the girls there do look that good!!!

    WVU is 2nd on the all time list of Rhodes Scholars.

    plus they have great Football & Basketball teams!!

    It's also one of the top party schools... plenty of good homegrown

    And driving the roads in a WRX is... well they do call West Virginia almost heaven!

    *i'm not an alum... their art school isn't that great
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2006
  33. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Virigina is also terribly boring and may drive you to alcoholism :keke:

    ...wait, thats what tech did :hsugh:
  34. sol drums

    sol drums Active Member

    ah Alex... it's WEST "by God" virginia :wavey:

    it's not terribly boring... there are plenty of outdoor activities. Skiing/Snowboarding, mountain biking, hiking/climbing, whitwater rafting... but if you're not into the outdoors thing than i guess it could be.

    West Virginia is the Colorado of the east, just with smaller mountains
  35. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    learn something new everyday :eek:
  36. Suby1128

    Suby1128 Member

    Tech really isn't all that bad for a guy to girl ratio when you think about it. it may be 73% guys, but I can tell you from experience that 1/2 of the guys don't leave their room. When I'm out getting trashed and meeting girls on a friday or saturday night, you walk past their rooms and they are all playing counter-strike or Halo. Not everybody joins a fraternity and you don't have to in order to have a social life here, but it helped me meet my girlfriend and I enjoy hanging out with all my brothers. I'm sure Alex and SkullsWRX feel the same way.

    If you are outgoing and feel like you would get a good education at Georgia Tech, don't turn it down just because of the guy to girl ratio, because if you have any women skills at all you will get laid.

    Hope this helps.


    "To Hell With Georgia!" :)
  37. WRX-WRC

    WRX-WRC Active Member

    you know what they say "guys that date tech girls are too lazy to beat off" :D:p
  38. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Craig brings up a good point. Everyone rags on tech, but at the center of it, it is an extremly good school that will put you quite far up the ladder by the time you graduate. There is a social life, you just have to be willing to find it. This does require giving up computer time, gaming time, etc. In the end, you have the weekends to goof off with people, enjoy socialize. The week days to spend on the computer, doing work, etc.

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