Anyone interested in hitting the good ol 1/4mile sometime when it cools off a little? like right after nopi or something. I need to get my car tuned at some point but i would love to see what i can hit at the track.
"i live my live a quarter mile at a time, and for those ten seconds or less im free" ahahahahahahahahahahahaha yeah, im up for some drag racing.
so we are sayin after nopi? im down but damn that seems along way off. im down for a friday, either the 12th or the 19th.
well iw as told without engine management tuning = nothing and i have no money haha so im gonna say no haha. thanks though. We can go the week right after nopi i just wanna let the weather cool down a little bit.
I've started a thread about going here a couple times, then had to punk out cuz of work... If it's on a day that I have off, I'll go....And my buddy who has a brand new 05' STI...
There'll be a bunch of people already @ SoG Friday evening. If the Commerce drag strip is open late enough, maybe a bunch of us could head north afterwards. I think I've watched enough drag racing to understand the staging/launch lights, but does anyone going have experience? I don't want to be the RT 3.5 ET 13.5 guy...
Commerece runs usually till at least 11pm. I am a pretty avid drag racer, I have some nifty tips for cutting a good time in the sti. Commerce usually disappoints on times. Silver Dollar is quicker/faster.
yea im gonna wait till after nopi to go.....most people start leaving around 10. It varies how many people are there too. The track IMO is very very poorly prepped. My friend told me that saturdays are a little better to go on. We should set a g2g up though someitme next month.
Well always the importshowdown oct 16th. My fav event of the year by far as far as drag racing goes. Commerce was suckage when I went dead cold due to power outage for an hour. Seemingly no prep. Interesting note.. Multiply your Time by MPH they should equal 1350, any number higher means there is a better time in your car. A years ago best run was 13.1@103 My run equaled 1349. No getting anything else out of the car at that point. Currently on a not too good run light launch testing the clutch. ran 12.5@114 That run equaled 1425 If I could get the run to match the equation(MPH isnt going to change much +-1 mph at most) the ideal run would be 11.9@114/115. May have to wait for it to cool down first. (And that run wont be at commerce, its slow) Basically is the trap it shows you if you have the hp. Overall time is can you drive the hp. /blabber