
Discussion in 'Peanut Gallery' started by AdvanceREX, May 10, 2005.

  1. AdvanceREX

    AdvanceREX Member

    well yesterday was an awesome day!

    i was on my way to my gf's house from advance and had just passed a little church on the way there and i happened to notice that about two turns back there was a cop speeding rapidly to catch up with me, so of course i'm thinking "oh great, here comes the usual of them tailing me and calling in license plate number and what not...". i wasnt speeding at all seeing as how there was an explorer in front of me so i knew i was good to go...

    so he precedes to get all of three feet off my ass and begins talking on his c.b. radio to see if there was any bench warrants under that car or if there was anyway he could get me pulled over... but it didn't matter, there isn't anyhting of the kind on my car so i'm not sweating him at all...

    so then he must have realized that and backs off about another two feet and begins to follow me... the entire time he is waitin for me to screw up, i know he was...

    so about five miles later i make a right turn onto my gf road... he turns his signal on too, so i figured "heck if he wants to follow me down this little road then more power to him, i aint done nothin wrong"

    but instead of following me he is actually goin to attempt turning around on this little bity road.... as he found out that was a huge mistake...

    he procedes to try and turn the wheel enough to get back into the road, but fails to very badly and drives into the ditch! and this ditch is about three feet deep on the side of the main road there... no small drainage like thing by far... his cars back left wheel goes up into the air at the same time that his right front tire plungs into the ditch... so of course i die laughing! it was great to me b/c you could tell that this was one of those cops that thinks anyone who drives a little modiffied car is a punk teenager who needs to be taught a lesson...

    so i'm now thinkin should i go about my business and leave him totally screwed like that, or... go back and rub it in his face that the "punk teenager" that he tailgated for upwards of 5 or 6 miles is the only person who is available at the time to help... so of course being the nice citizen that i am, i turn around and go back to help him...

    the look on his fat little face was priceless as i talked to him out of my window and into to his rolled down one. first thing i said was "oh my goodness! (with a look of aww) may i help you officer?"... to which he blustered out "NO!, i... i... (as his fat little face grows red behind his coke bottle frame glasses) have help on... on... the way go about your way young man..." so of course i respond "are you possitively certain officer, i dont mind lifting on the front so that you can back out of there?(with my littls angel face like smile)"... at this point he realizes that if his fellow officers see him like this then he will look like an idiot and never live it down... so he sides with the lesser of to evils in a way and says "sure, go ahead, we can try but i doubt you can lift the front enough to get me out of this @#$%ing mess"... so by now he is starting to cuss and totally humiliated that the "punk teenager" is goin to be his hero in this situation...

    so i get help him to get out of the ditch and right before i get in my car, i make sure to yell at him "you be sure to drive careful from now on, ok bud?" to which he says "uhh... ummm... yeah you to son...."

    AHHHHH! it was the best part of the entire day!
  2. lostinthewoods

    lostinthewoods Frisco Tx Baller

    That rocks man!!

    That is one of those kodak moments. To bad you didnt have some pictures to go along with it. That would have been sweet.


    We need to get ya a COP Recovery Team sticker for your car
  3. rolling_trip

    rolling_trip Active Member

    sweet revenge:fawk:
  4. married05gt

    married05gt starting over

    LMFAO that is some funny shit:bigthumb:
  5. AdvanceREX

    AdvanceREX Member

    i couldn't help but tell him to drive carefully, its the exact thing they always tell you after they pull you over you know? god it was great!
  6. married05gt

    married05gt starting over

    yea I had a cop tailing me the other day on a very curvy road so every time we went into a curve he would stay on my ass and then have to brake to stay in controll. I was waiting on him to pull me over for that but I was going the speed limit. He turned around when we got to the next county:evil:
  7. moose

    moose Infina Mooooooose!

    Oh damn, that's funny as hell. :rofl:
  8. Weapon

    Weapon 90lbs of dynamite Supporting Member

    awesome story..
  9. sol drums

    sol drums Active Member

    that is just priceless!! funniest shit i've heard in a long time!

  10. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    surprisingly ive almost never been followed by cops... especially considering my car attracts so much attention with that exhaust... it only happened one time when i went thru the toll booth on 400... i usually gun it out of the gates (for safety reasons :D )... state trooper got behind me and stayed there for like 5 min... i dont blame him though cuz i hauled ass outa the gate
  11. ptc075

    ptc075 Member

    OMG, that's the best story I've heard in months! I'm going to be smiling for a week. =D

  12. FTZ

    FTZ ^.^

    When I was 16, I snuck out of my parents house at around 2:30 in the morning. Stole my car and went and picked up a friend. We were going to go to the Movie Theatre and rearrange the letters on the Marque board to say profane things. I think the plan was to spell out WE SUPPORT BEASTIALITY and then toss the left over letters. So we were driving around and a Cop starts to follow us. We weren't speeding, hadn't committed any crimes, YET. But I was only 16 and not legally allowed to drive after I think it was 10PM. I was freaking out. The cop followed us for a good 30 minutes, into another county and clearly out of his jurisdiction. Around in a large circle so he was definitely following. I was about to freak out and do something stupid when he pulled off the road. Needless to say, we didn't go arrange the letters that night. We went back the night after.
  13. AdvanceREX

    AdvanceREX Member

    lol, way to go there wrxfan... dont let those cops ruin ur plans completely at least..

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