Here are a couple vids from yesterday at Talladega Gran Prix. It rained basically all day from sprinkles to full out rain. I only took a few pics but here they are. mostly of Bomjoon's evo after he went off-roading. He loves dirt on his car There were alot of spins yesterday.
I had a blast yesterday And yes I spun out a couple of times lol, damn rain! Neverless I enjoyed my first time. Next time I go I'll be sure to get some sleep the night before. It was good seeing the 4touge guys again
I believe it was a laugh in the "That's what she said" sense...noob :squint: Do I spy a CX-7 om that third picture?
the evo let off when he started to slide instead of staying on the throttle and he counstered too much.
I think it was save-able. He stayed in it at first, but then let off as it was coming back around. I think if he had gone on the throttle and steered into it when it came back around he'd have gone straight. Late apex and rain is perfect for spins.