D40 vs D40x vs D70, thoughts?

Discussion in 'Art & Photography' started by Alex, Jun 29, 2007.

  1. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    So as some of you know I am in the market for a new camera. I have played around with both d40s and enjoyed them.

    There isnt much that seperates the 40 from the 40x, in fact, according to Nikon's comparison brochure the only true difference is the 10mp vs 6mp -- not sure if its worth it though? BestBuy as both of these forsale (kitted w/ 18-55mm f/3.5 - f/5.6 ED AF-S DX nikkor lens). I am not entirely sure if they sell just the body, however, that lens seems like a great all around entry level one to go with. By all means, correct me if I am wrong with any of my assumptions / statements.

    The D40 kit w/ one lens is $560 from Circuit City and $600 from BestBuy (yay for pricematch). The D40 kit which also has the 55-200 nikkor lens is $740.

    The D40x Kit w/ the same lens is $740 w/ a free 2GB memory card from Circuit City and $800 from BestBuy.

    Now, I also checked out Wolf Camera yesterday and they happened to have d70 on clearance with the 18-70 nikkor lens. Ive done some homework and whats inside the d70 seems pretty damn nice -- it shares some components with its more expensive brethen (eg TTL white-balance with 1,005 pixels RGB sensor versus the 400ish pixels of the D40 bodies). Additionally I believe it shares the same 2.3-2.5mm spot metering as the other two. Another point of note is its shutter speed is substantially quicker, 1/8000 vs 1/4000 respectively. The ISO range seems similar. Wolf had this one for sale for $599. Wolf doesnt price match nor do they take bestbuy reward points (which I have ~6000 ($120) or so of).

    I am looking for the input, now that Ive done a bit more homework, of the photographers on the site.

    Thanks :)
  2. MrCoffeeATL

    MrCoffeeATL Member

    I paid significantly less by purchasing from a camera dealer in new york via the web (and no not a grey market item). I have the D70 and love it but wish i could have 10MP+ so i can blow up some of my shots a bit more with out them becoming grainy. If you are choosing and want high MP count, go 40x. If a lower count is ok, i would go for the d70 since they are fairly cheap (650-750 depending on where you look) and come in some great kits.

    There is the newer 80-200 (or is it 55-200) VR lens from nikon which looks sexy. Good luck on the decision and remember, the lenses are the big point, the body is replaceable!

    Where is george lurking :)
  3. mmtasty

    mmtasty Active Member

    Why are you spending money on that? It's not going to make your car any faster.

    I don't know how kick ass your screen and printer is, but I really don't think you'll be able to tell the difference between the two. They all have such good resolution and clarity... The only drawback to those are the requirement to use an auto focusing lens, but that's no biggie. The point of those is to have a kick ass compact camera that doesn't require a big bag of stuff to haul around. I'd get the 6 if you go with the 40.
    If you don't need a compact SLR, get the 70. That thing is the better of the three. My ex has one and it takes some of the best pictures I've seen.
    I'd rule out the x. The difference isn't worth that much money.
    Choose if you want the big/professional or small/semi professional.
  4. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Will, if you actually read my post you'd see that Wolf had that d70 on sale for $600 w/ the 18-70mm lens. I think the body alone is worth about 400-500 according to ebay prices :)

    I had been reading via google search a handful of people experiencing a lack of sharpness in their photos with the d70s, any comments?

    Mike, I had a slr hybrid previously (sony dsc 717) great camera until someone so kindly removed it from my residence. Now I am ready to move on to someting that allows me to change lenses (ie macro headlight shots to nice autox snaps) -- in other words something that offers me improved photo quality, flexibilty and a nice learning curve to enjoy :)

    Thanks for the replies guys!
  5. MrCoffeeATL

    MrCoffeeATL Member

    nope i seemed to glaze right over that. The joy of posting at work with your boss right behind you.

    I'd go for the d70 then. Does it have a warranty?
  6. mmtasty

    mmtasty Active Member

    If you're looking to swap lenses around the lenses of the d40s are pricey. Those require the auto focus types. The D70 will save you some money if you're going to buy more than one lens. Plus, if you're going to be changing out lenses, the 40 may not be the best option anyway. That's kinda like a REALLY nice point and shoot. It's something I'd buy because I hate changing lenses and carrying a lot of stuff around. if you're going to have a camera bag then you may as well get the better camera while you're at it.
    I'm not a photographer, but I have been thinking about this same scenario myself. The photographers I know use d70s and better. I don't know anyone that uses the 40.
  7. Demo24

    Demo24 Member

    I frequent photography forums at work, and the general consensus is that the d40x isn't worth it. The d40 is best for those that aren't too into photography, but still want more freedom than a p&s camera. D70, for the more serious interests.

    The d40's are kind of a pain due to the lack of lenses available(although the number is increasing), and the price that those come with.

    The d70 accepts a wider variety of lenses, some of which can be very economically priced.

    Either one will produce great shots. The d40 is a good bit smaller. So I recommend going to a store and using them, see which you like better.
  8. MrCoffeeATL

    MrCoffeeATL Member

    i can bring over my d70 if you want to hold it and shoot some stuff around the house. Lemmy know.
  9. BlackAndBlue

    BlackAndBlue Member

    id go with the d70
  10. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Yeah, its a brand new camera its just been on their shelf since like jan 06 and they want to get rid of it...

    However, I dont think its the d70s. Ill call and ask in a minute.
  11. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Its a D70 not a 70s, according to my research the only difference in the two is larger lcd and upgraded firmware (which you can download for the d70).

    Looks like Ill go try and pick that up tomorrow or such :)

    Ill use my points at BB for some gear or a lens, not sure what yet.
  12. mmtasty

    mmtasty Active Member

    Escort x50 or a 9500i. :naughty:
  13. JPM Coachworks

    JPM Coachworks Registered Vendor<br/>Its delux son, delux. Supporting Member

    Picked up the d70 earlier this afternoon :)

    Considering it was the same price as the kitted d40, its a no brainer to me.

    Need to snag some cf memory, a new bag and maybe the 55-200 lens.
  14. Demo24

    Demo24 Member

    I just ordered a Lowepro 200aw for a new bag. If your interested I'll let you know how it is, once it gets here.
  15. bluetwo

    bluetwo Active Member

    So... wait, I know. Holy thread revival....

    But so, what do people think about the D40 now that it's been out for a minute.

    I got one and I've never seen how much better DSLR pictures can be. Really amazing stuff for 6.1 megapixels right? If you're a professional photographer your nay-saying will automatically be dismissed (regarding that last part) but I do want to know what people think.
  16. blindfold

    blindfold Active Member

    D40 is too small for my hands, like my D50 better
  17. the d40 d40x and d60 are small. for the price of those 3 you could get a used d200 for a couple hundred more.
  18. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Well now that its been a year I guess (according to thread time stamping), I still have the D70 and I am quite happy with it. I am glad that I never bought the 40, etc, as Ive already begun to build a lens collection that will work on the other larger DSLR nikon bodies. If I buy another, it will be D80 for sure :)

    With that said, Ive just been lens shopping. I'd rather invest in higher quality glass at this point than a new body.

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