apparently, some wonderful atlanta drivers have decided to detail my car while i left it parked. Late last week they went for the "side view mirror swoosh" on my left quarter panel and today/last night they added a lot of white to my left rear bumper by scraping it. LEARN HOW TO FUCKING PARK PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!! If I find a white car with a matching scrape and blue paint on it so help them... //end rant
you should change your user name to WhiteandBlue kidding... that SUCKS! My '03 got backed into in a lot and smashed out a headlight.
Yea...I have those white swipe marks on both sides of the rear panels and countless door dings all received in the GaTech student center parking deck...I don't want to point fingers at stereotypes but it's hard not to
That really does suck, I would have thought of some chemical warfare, buddy of mine keeps a fresh can of spray paint in his car just for that. Wont stay permanent, but they will either have a hell of a time getting it off or paying a pretty penny to get it off. Overspray is a bitch!
or park in the blank corners most parking lots have. they're not real spaces but that's what i have ended up doing after being backed into, rear-ended, had a car rub their bumper down both doors, repainted and backed into again!