I need to drive a car with a fixed ratio center diff like the cusco etc.... Is there anyone on here that has one. I'm willing to pay you or whatever to let me drive the car for a couple of laps at a track day of youre choosing. I need to see how the car reacts without dccd. It doesn't matter if its a wrx or an STI either will work as long as it has an aftermarket diff in it. Thanks Matt
What do you mean? Its the same thing as the cusco tarmac when there is nothing applied to the lock up plates...35/65 tq distrubution...the 06+ is different, it has some initial LSD lockup, and 41/59 tq distribution. Its nowhere near the same as the cusco tarmac.
Yeah, I'm trying to decided if I want to lose the DCCD or not. I'm thinking about putting a PPG 5 speed in the STI but I'm not totally sold on it yet. Matt
You can get a JDM 5spd trans w/DCCD and you can use the stock stuff to control it....then PPG the rest of it and Helical front LSD....or clutch type.
Yeah I thought about that, I'm just not totally sold on the DCCD. If the computer is changing the amount of slip then, the car shouldn't be as predictable. I'm wondering if DCCD is why I have had problems at Roebling in the past. Matt
I have heard rumors of various road course guys setting it to 'open' and it resulted in a more predictable car...dont know about times tho. I know if I were road coursing I'd want a consistent-predictable car but with the adjust ability of the DCCD's manual mode incase the car needed more TQ to the front....or for those times you end up in a gravel trap...50/50. But for autox and street, auto mode FTMFW.
I've personally seen lower lap times in open then auto. The problem is I didn't play with it until the last session so I didn't get to test the theory properly. I thought it was going to kick out too much for my tastes but it felt great. I had the three consecutive fastest laps of the day in that session. If you want to try it out I'll be back at little tali for club wars. I'm going to play with it then. For street/autoX, auto is where it's at. Edit, if you want to try it out then you must vote on this poll. http://www.wrxatlanta.com/forums/showthread.php?t=15658