I'm trying to track down a horrible decel whine in my car. First off when I had my 5 speed I had NO decel noise. Swapped to a 2007 6 speed, auto WRX driveshaft, and installed Kartboy outrigger bushings and TiC rear diff bushings also known as the TiC Klunk Killer. Anyone that knows me personally knows how horribly deaf I am. On decel or cruising at 60 mph results in a rear whine that is freaking driving me NUTS! The Kartboy outrigger bushings have two thick bushings and 1 thin bushing. I removed all the thick bushings and used 'only' the thin bushing as TiC recommended and it didn't help. It's a little quieter but it's still bad. I'm guessing I should put the stock rear diff bushings back in but alas I only have 1 of them and can't find the other stock one. I'm just looking to see if this noise is normal or what. Do you think it's the outriggers or the rear diff bushing? The noise seems very localized to the back seats in the center.
do not have this installed but I did notice a bit more tranny noise when I put in sti trans mount and shifter bushings.I have heard that the rear diff. bushings transmit a lot of noise.
probably the bushings transmitting more noise. I've noticed that in 2002~2007 Impreza's that I've driven around with the rear seats out and the trunk stripped I have been able to hear the rear diff a LOT more.
I have full interior. I wish I could find my other stock rear dogbone bushing! Any one have one lying around?
IIRC, this is a fairly common problem (read about it on Nasioc). Can't remember what it is though. It's been drving me nuts too. It doesn't make the sound except deaccellerating at about 55-60 mph. I need to fix this too.
Mine does it anywhere between 40+. I have stock bushings back thanks to TiC so soon I'll swap the rear diff bushings back to stock and see if it fixes it.
I had the Klunk Killer package, as well as a tranny mount and the tranny subframe bushings and all the Kartboy shifter bushings, and I never had an issue with a whine at any speed in the STi..... the 6spd inherently made more noise (gear whine) than the 5spd in my old WRX, but I guess I just attributed that to the transmission design.....