
Discussion in 'Peanut Gallery' started by snapb1, Oct 11, 2005.

  1. snapb1

    snapb1 Member

    This guy walks into a bar and in the corner, he sees a donkey w/ a box sitting in front of it. He walks over to the bartender and inquires about the donkey and box.

    Bartender tells him that if you make the donkey laugh, you win all the money in the box. So the guy orders a drink and goes over to the donkey and whispers in its ear. The donkey starts laughing hysterically. So the guy grabs the money and heads out the door.

    A few days later, the guy comes back to the bar and again sees the donkey. He asks the bartender and this time, the bartender says if you make the donkey cry, you win all the money in the box. So the guy orders a drink, then walks the donkey outside. Couple mins later, the donkey comes back inside just balling.

    Bartender looks at the guy and says I HAVE to know how you first got the donkey to laugh then to cry. The guy says first I told the donkey I have a bigger dick than him then I proved it. :eek3:

    2 sperm were traveling inside a woman's body when one of the sperm asks the other, how much longer til we are at the ovaries? The other replies, relax, we just passed the tonsils. :ugh:
  2. Weapon

    Weapon 90lbs of dynamite Supporting Member

  3. 1ll-WRX

    1ll-WRX Active Member

    sweet.....those are classic
  4. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    nice :bigthumb:
  5. lostinthewoods

    lostinthewoods Frisco Tx Baller

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