dont waste your money on Batman...

Discussion in 'Movie Reviews' started by Sparta, Jul 18, 2008.

  1. Sparta

    Sparta Active Member

    just kidding! Definately the best movie of the Summer and Heath Ledger's best performance to date. I recommend everyone who liked the first Batman movie go see The Dark Knight ASAP before people start talking about it. Just be sure to go to a comfortable movie theatre because it is like 3 hours long.
  2. WJM

    WJM Banned

    Ashley, myself and 2 others from SOJAX are going to the local IMAX to see it.

    Its going to be awesome.
  3. Sparta

    Sparta Active Member

    I recommend getting your tickets a few hours ahead and showing early. I hear all of the IMAX's in atl are sold out for the weekend already.

    JEFFSTI Member

    YOUNG DZ! I just about came over there and slapd ya!
  5. pankopp

    pankopp Member

    yep, i tried to order IMAX tickets on tuesday, and the only showings open were the 9am and 11pm tickets on sunday, all the rest were sold out..... I am going to wait for IMAX tickets though...
  6. Jewels450

    Jewels450 Member

    when I saw this title I was like what they hell! :slap:
    Went and saw it last night at midnight with a bunch of friends! WAY GOOD! holy crap Joker was so awesome, great plot and lots of actioin. although batman's voice way got on my nerves :keke: I am so going to see it again.


    What's Batman?

    J/K can't wait to see it.
  8. Jewels450

    Jewels450 Member

    That would be sooo sweet seeing it in IMAX!
  9. Jake

    Jake Active Member

    is this REALLY in IMAX? or is it the bullshit IMAX like spiderman was? I saw the last Spiderman in "IMAX" at the mall of georgia and it wasn't really IMAX. it was just basically a huge version of the movie. Meaning it didn't fill up the FULL IMAX screen and it was still in 16:9 aspect ratio. I was SUPER PISSED i wasted my $12 to see that movie (which wasn't that great) and it wasn't REALLY IMAX.

    correct me if I'm wrong movie guys but wouldn't it have to have been filmed WITH an IMAX camera to REALLY be IMAX???
  10. Jewels450

    Jewels450 Member

    good point. I believe your right it does have to be filmed in IMAX. So do I guess it just boils down to SIZE MATTERS :keke:

    still a great movie on a big arse screen:wiggle:
  11. Jake

    Jake Active Member

    oh yeah, don't get me wrong the bigger the better, but its not REALLY IMAX. which I actually think 99% of people who go to an IMAX theater go to see movies like these and not the documentaries and such that were actually filmed in IMAX, so they have no real perception of what IMAX ACTUALLY is.
    they see the extra screen at the top and bottom of the theater and think nothing of it
  12. WJM

    WJM Banned

    the IMAX here was sold out days in advance. We got our tickets for this sunday on sold out a few hours later.
  13. Jewels450

    Jewels450 Member

    I wouldn't doubt it. it sold out here in a few hours for last nights showings. and it's continued to sell out for the next day or two
  14. RamblinWRX

    RamblinWRX Member

    6 scenes in the movie were shot on IMAX cameras.
  15. Eco Auto Clean

    Eco Auto Clean Active Member

    ill see probably middle of the week. passed regal 24 on way home at was packed!
  16. Jewels450

    Jewels450 Member

    That's a good enough reason for me to check it. :wiggle: they did have some good explosion scenes
  17. ThaABomb

    ThaABomb Member

    Dude! Thread title == NOT COOL! I haven't seen it yet and you scared the crap out of me. I saw the 6 minute teaser online and it was AMAZING. All my fraternity brothers went to see it last night, but I had to study for my physics test (which I PWNED!). Hopefully I'll get to see it this weekend.

    JEFFSTI Member

    for the first time EVER a $300,000.00 imax camera was straped onto a car for footage. never been done b4.
  19. Jewels450

    Jewels450 Member

    those cameras are not only $$$ but have you seen how freakin huge they are!
  20. Jake

    Jake Active Member

    ok, see i didn't know that. if the whole thing was shot in IMAX that would have been stoopidly expensive. going to see this regardless. we might stop by the movie theater on the way back from the braves game tonight for an 11:55 showing. but more than likely since the lines will be longer than hell we will just come back here and drink the insane amounts of alcohol i have in my fridge
  21. GTscoob

    GTscoob Black is Beautiful

    I just got back from the matinee but cant say anything that hasnt already been said in here. It was great, Heath Ledger was almost unrecognizable after the makeup and and vocal acting.
  22. Jewels450

    Jewels450 Member

    I didn't believe that it was heath Ledger at first but WOAH If I said it once I'll say it again I think he did a wonderful job playing the joker. Guess it might be because I've only known him to be in chic flicks.
  23. 07Ltd#767

    07Ltd#767 The Neighborhood Drunk

    Yeah, from what I heard, it was something like 38 minutes of straight action was filmed with imax cameras. The resolution is supposed to be nothing short of epic sickness:ddirty:

    i can't wait to see it...too bad Heath Ledger died during the filming, I heard he was spectacular in the movie...
  24. FTZ

    FTZ ^.^

    For all who have seen it thus far, Is it better or worse than Ironman?

    Many people I had spoken to were saying up until now that Ironman was the best comic based adaption so far. Better than Spiderman, X-Men, the first ultra crappy Hulk movie, etc...

    Batman Begins was my favorite in the Batman series. Christian Bale played Bruce Wayne better than all before him. Ironman was slightly better than Batman Begins in my opinion. If this new Batman is better than that, I will have to make a point to seeing it in the theater if not at an IMAX. If it is not as good, then I can wait a few days until I can get it for myself.
  25. oneiguy

    oneiguy Active Member

    Just got back from seeing it. Rocked!! Ledger did a brilliant job.
  26. Kris

    Kris Member

    Just got back as well. I was very very impressed.
  27. Sparta

    Sparta Active Member

    i think its better than ironman. Ironman maintained a comic book feel to it plot wise. The Batman movies flows more like real life scenarios if that makes sense. Ironman was great, but I think The Dark Knight is the best comic book adaptation so far... you should see it in theatre even if you dont want to pay the high tocket prices, atleast check out a matinee. Let me know if you do, I may go see it again.

    On a side note. I wonder what plot points they changed now when Heath Ledger died?
  28. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Nolan's directing style > Ironman IMO -- but thats based solely off Begins and the trailers / first 6 minutes Ive seen. Batman is a dark story, not some sorta let's all go throw on tin foil suits and paint ourselves red kinda deal.

    I just see them as waaay too different to compare. I want to see it at one of Atl station's digital theaters for that super crisp experience :D
  29. SonicBoom

    SonicBoom Active Member

    Looking forward to seeing this... Its been a good summer for comic book movies with Ironman & the new Hulk movies... I too loved Batman Begins..but, two things kept that movie from being truly great(IMO). 1) Katie Holmes sux as an actress. 2) The bad guy with the bur-lap sac on his head. He was a total puss and was off'd quickly.... other than that it was awesome...
  30. Sparta

    Sparta Active Member

    Oh if those are the only things that you didn't like about it, you won't be dissappointed with dark night.

    The Joker makes Scarecrow look like a Puss.
  31. Deke

    Deke Active Member

    Granted, IMDB ratings are always high to begin with, but I've never seen a 9.7 before. I cannot wait to see this movie. It doesn't come out in the UK still for a few more days and I'm kind of sad because I'm going to be in Amsterdam when it does. I think I'll probably just hold off until I get back to the states. It's going to be hard though.
  32. bomjoon

    bomjoon Active Member

    i think its superman's cousin.

    er.. spiderman's enemy.

    since bats eat spiders.
  33. bomjoon

    bomjoon Active Member

    joker is a pussy.

    2face is the man.
  34. heathbar

    heathbar Member

    Nice thread title. You got me good f**ker.

    This movie was awesome. Instant favorite!
  35. My girl and I went to see it sunday... it was fucking awesome, tight, dope, sick, insane, whatever you wanna call it! Straight up action from the start. I'll be seeing it again in IMAX this weekend with my dad and little sister
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2008


    I loved it when the Joker made the pencil disappear.
  37. scoobaru

    scoobaru Active Member

    finally saw it yesterday. definitely a badass movie!
  38. Jewels450

    Jewels450 Member

    That was pretty good. he's such a smart arse! LOVED IT!!!:naughty:
  39. bomjoon

    bomjoon Active Member

    my sister's friend said he fell asleep during the movie... ??
  40. bomjoon

    bomjoon Active Member

    i have not seen it but i dont think it will top iroman.

    ironman > batman.
  41. Sparta

    Sparta Active Member

    it kills Ironman
  42. Eco Auto Clean

    Eco Auto Clean Active Member

    dark knight ftw!!!! such an awesome movie...very well crafted. rip heath ledger!!!
  43. SonicBoom

    SonicBoom Active Member

    Finally saw it... Very good! I had my doubts about Ledger playing a bad guy, but I must say he lived up to the hype... Stole every scene he was in. I had a few issues with the film.. 1) The whole 2 face sub-plot was too much. I feel they should have stopped with him after his 1st killing and left the rest for the next movie. Keeping him going distracted from the Joker/Batman plot. 2) The movie took itself too seriously. The whole "hero" being what the public needs at the time thing was WAY overdone. I'm not a hero, Dents a hero, no I'm the hero... just kinda left a bad taste in my mouth.. 3) I felt the movie was too long.. It had the whole LOTR's 3/Pirates 3 feel too it, with like 5 or 6 times you think are going to be the end. I don't have issues with long movies (ie.. godfather 1 & 2 etc..), it just can't be too long cuz their trying to jam too much in one film. 4) I like Christian Bale as Batman but I think his Batman voice is overkill.. Those issues aside it was a great film.
    As far as the Batman vs. Ironman debate I'm on the fence. I will say I had a lot less issues with Ironman.. And I feel Robert Downey Jr. played a better role then Bale. But Ironman was more of a campy comic book movie and Batman was a straight up thriller.. so comparisons other than them both being based off a comic are hard to make and are more than likely going to come down to personal preferance...
  44. Eco Auto Clean

    Eco Auto Clean Active Member

    yea his voice was a little said it was like the offspring of a grizzley bear and clint movie was a bit long but there wasn't a point where it seemed to drag! glad you enjoyed!
  45. Deke

    Deke Active Member

    I actually finally ended up seeing Ironman on my plane back home, and then 3 days later saw TDK. I enjoyed both movies immensely, but the Dark Knight definitely stood out as the clear winner in my mind.

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