Door disassembly

Discussion in 'Modifications & DIY how-to' started by moose, Jun 3, 2005.

  1. moose

    moose Infina Mooooooose!

    Well, my wagon has developed the dreaded 05 passenger side speaker rattle. Sounds like a busted speaker element, but apparently it's got to do with the inside doorskin vibrating against the speaker a bit. I figure I'll go in there and slap some padding in the right place to take care of it.

    So how easy/difficult is it to pull the door apart?

    edit: It's making my Rammstein CDs sound horrible, so it's gotta go. :thumbsdow
  2. RADON

    RADON Member

  3. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Its pretty easy, just takes some balls to get over the popping sound. I could have it done for ya in prob <5mins. Let me know if you need a hand.
  4. Mad Mallard

    Mad Mallard the mad mallard

    bquiet is teh "shh pad"

    making a mini-gasket out of this stuff lessens the likelihood of sound-related rattle in the future. (like speaker shaking itself or something else loose by being loud.)
  5. married05gt

    married05gt starting over

    two screws and pull
  6. moose

    moose Infina Mooooooose!

    Sounds like my first marriage. :wtc:

    I'll probably dig into it tomorrow. Thanks all.
  7. RADON

    RADON Member

    The hardest part is the bezel trim. You might break it. I broke 1 of 4 and used super glue to repair.
  8. 02subiwrx

    02subiwrx Member

    It is actually very easy. I just put momo compents in my front doors. hardest part is geting the trim out from the door handle. Best way I found was to start from the bottom of the trim piece

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