E-mail notifications

Discussion in 'Meta' started by John, Apr 17, 2011.

  1. John

    John Active Member

    I have my account set up to instantly send me an e-mail when someone replies to a thread that I've replied to.

    Some days I will get instant e-mails....and some days I get none even though there have been replies.

    What gives?
  2. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    we turned the email server off for a few weeks due to performance issues. It was recently turned back on. It *should* be working fine for you now...is it not?
  3. John

    John Active Member

    Its working fine right now. For the longest time it never worked...then recently worked, then didn't work....and is now working again.
  4. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    see above for explanation. :p
  5. John

    John Active Member

    yeah i figured it was something along those lines. who is the host?
  6. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    We're using a VPS again at a local datacenter. The issues with the mail are not host related. Rather, more a backlog in postfix thanks to a hiccup in sending out notifications...there were 85,000 backed up which is what was causing the memory problems a few weeks ago. However, now we're batching mailing out to keep memory usage and server load at a reasonable amount. The alternative would be for everyone subscribed to threads to remove the "instant" notification and select "notify me once a day". :)

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