Can anyone recommend a book on engine building and blueprinting? It is something that I am becoming increasingly interested in and I would like to learn more about it.
Im lookin into it, ill keep ya posted. Are you looking to DIY? Then we can start by getting a tool list together, and find some good links. As always anyone interested in learning can come visit lol I have 2 spare rooms and will be playing around with 3 blocks.
That sounds awesome, but between work and school, my plate is pretty full right now. I am taking my first paid vaction in almost 3 years this week. I am in fact looking to DIY a set of heads for a hybrid build. Even if I don't actually do anything to them I want to go through the process of checking out a set of heads. I was thinking about CC'ing the chambers, P/P, and a 3 angle job on the valves. I mainly just want to start learning about performance engine building. It is something that I think I would really enjoy. I have found some books on Amazon. I will get some links together and update the thread. Thanks for chiming in man, and I read up on your current life journeys, congratulations on everything and welcome back.
Thanks for the kind words. I never attempted to do any kinda head work, but let me know what you find as seems interesting. Im mostly interested in bottom end assembly, clearances etc. But lets see what we can get together on the thread sounds good.