Event Ideas :clap: I'd like to open the floor for suggestions for event ideas for the next few months. If you would like to make a suggestion, please do so in the most informative way possible. This helps ensure that only ideas with merit are presented in this thread; instead of saying, "Let's have a dinner meet!" say something along the lines of, "I'd like to see a dinner meet at Taco Mac (Wheverthefucktheclosesttacomactomeis) added to the dinner meet list or next week." Thanks!
I think it'll definitely be a good idea to try and get something going at Stivers. They seem like they'll be very accommodating to local groups, if for no other reason than to get their name out.
I think a meet at the smith house in dahlonega in the fall would be cool. It's about 20$ a head for family style all you can eat southern food. We would need atoeast 20 people to make a reservation.
How about a local mountain biking event (to naturally be followed with Mexican food and beer) ?. I barely know anyone on the board and I can think of several people with mountain bikes hanging in the garage
Local trails... we could pick someplace stupid easy just to get more people out. i.e Yellow River does not excite me, but pretty much anyone can ride there and have a decent time + you are never far from the car, if someone needs to bail. There are some good local trails near my house in Tucker off Stone Mountain Industrial. There's Conyers which is not exactly fun if you are out of shape. Other close in?
buy some 29er tires for your cross bike. LOL. How about trails off of Stone Mtn Industrial. There are some rooty sections but overall I think you could get around pretty well on a cross bike.
I have always wanted to go to those trails but dont know my way around them or even know where to get into the trail. I see people on Mtn bikes over there all the time when riding my road bike to the park. Hit me up if you want to ride down there. Please keep in my mind all I have is a cross bike.
I'll contact Sweetwater and ABC again to see if I can set something up before the year is out. I'll try and give the new brewery in ATL a call as well to see if something can be arranged. The goal would be to get something more than just your standard visit if you went by yourself
Do you want to contact him on our behalf and see what we can do? I would like to scout out the other breweries and discuss my Subabrew idea with each so that we can figure out where and when to have the event (when it is warmer) and who will be the most hospitable towards us.
Will find out price this weekend and minimum and max number of heads. I heard it was $400 to use the place for over 100 ppl...which includes all the Sweetwater you can drink.
I dont think we'll pull 100 in a regular event, only if something was posted and maintained for a few months (including NASIOC and IWSTI).
Ok...he said this is just as est. and they person in charge did not really give him exact numbers but, with his employee disc it would be around $400.00 for 50 ppl. But he can maybe able to pull some strings on the price.