On my way to kroger to fill up. There are two pumps a row, and there is a shopping cart in the middle of them out in the lane where cars are driving. So I pull up to the further pump from the outside avoiding the cart. As I'm turning in to get near the pump... BAM. I hit something. I thought I hit the pump at first, but as I reverse, I see no damage is done to the pump. Instead the metal rods sticking out of the ground at most stations are a little different at Krogers. They are horse shoes going back into the ground not even waist high or even yellow! It was a dark red. Didn't even see the son of a b****. Pics later today. It's not that bad, but it made the bumper stick out of place plus a big fat dent. In other news: After about three or so months, I have finally gotten a full exhuast and am not running a loud-ass open downpipe. I don't know the brand for the downpipe, but it's 3in catless with a bellmouth. High flow cat from random technologies, and cat back with Blitz... the Nur-spec touring. It's quiet as stock. Makes the car run smoother and feel more torque-ier. Right now. I am waiting for Scott S. on his computer to get back. Then the tuning will commense! I'm uber excited. Update on when I get back home. :banana:
jeez..... about time you got an exhaust on that thing. Sorry to hear about the dent though. Have fun tuning with Scott. Learn as much as you can.
Update: No pics. Tuning is almost completed. Turns out the inlet hose wasn't even connected during tuning. After further looking at the tube, it is torn and I have to get another one. Tuning was still fun and learned a lot! I just have to wait till the inlet tube comes in and then I should be ready to go. The tear is causing a leak in the boost. So it's going to take just a tad bit longer than expected.
Well okay, here's whats up: Got a new inlet tube installed, along with a new Y-pipe. And it still makes the sound that it had before. I don't think it's boost leak because i'm still hitting the target boost no problem. I'm going back September 5th for scott to take a look. Anybody near my area want to come out and tell me what they think this noise is from?? Maybe it's normal? le sigh.
I could always take a gander at it....but if Scott says it's not a normal noise then....he's an expert...I know when I got my inlet put on mine had a new found loud turbo noise...did you get an aftermarket inlet hose?....I'm thinking it's the same noise mine has after they put in my perrin turbo inlet.....it isn't anything bad as far as I was ever told...