picking up a 2006 CGM limited 5spd wagon this weekend. 17k miles on the clock in perfect condition. Only mod is window tint. :coolugh:
sounds good although I will need to sell the maxima before I can drive the scooby so I don't know about convincing the ol strange-minded parentals to let me drive overthere
I guess now we can teach him the secret hand shake, and your parents won't let you drive it until you sell the Maxima? thats just cruel......
unfortunately with all the setbacks that happened already there is another one. I'm not going to be able to pick up the car as the person financing me ran into financial trouble and so there's not going to be enough money. So once again, no subaru
damn so close but yet so far. i know how that feels. it will work out soon enough. sorry to hear about your luck.
yeah i'm still trying to work on it. I might just get a loan and do it myself...still trying to get something worked out