Finally Quitting My PT Job of 3.5 Years

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by nygiant, Feb 16, 2011.

  1. nygiant

    nygiant Member

    Sooo...I have done the 2 job thing for 3.5 years now, and I am finally calling it quits. My pt job has been with Macys, and during all those years, I have grown to absolutely hate it more and more with each passing day....the hours you are required to work, the fact that I work pretty much every single day of the week between both jobs, I have had no real vacation in years, the shitty pay for the work they expect you to do, the asshole customer that expect you to kiss ass (especially the women since i was in women's shoes), and the list goes on.

    I was in an altercation with another associate a few weeks ago. Me and that dude dont really get along that well, and this is the second time we have had an "event." This time, customers heard our profanities, and in addition to that, he threatened me with violence. twice. We both got suspended and had to write and "essay" on how to properly conduct ourselves, etc etc. And that was that. However, my feeling is that he should have been let go after threatening me with violence...twice. But he was not because he is one of the top sellers in the store and the managers favor him.

    Long story short...that entire event was just the tipping point for me choosing to finally leave. I kept macys for so long because, initially, I needed the extra money, as well as a back-up job, which has come in handy.

    When I moved here from Philly in November 2009, macys readily transferred me no problem. I did that until a found another full time job. But...I was laid off in December of 2010 from my full time because the company closed its Atlanta location. So, yet again, I had macys as a back-up.

    All in all, I'm just tired. Tired of that job, having to go all the way out to Kennesaw from Dunwoody for 9 bucks an hour (~140/wk net for ~20 hrs) and to deal with macys bs and them trying to squeeze Neiman Marcus service out of you. I did find another full time job, which pays enough for me not to need macys, but its a contract position, which has an estimated end date of October 2011 with the possibility of extension. I have already put my two weeks notice in with macys, but I just want to make sure I making the right decision as I am the type that likes to be prepared for all possibilities.

    What I really would like is to have free time ie weekends to go out and explore this state further, especially since I'm an up north city boy. What do you guys think?....And what places do you recommend for me to start exploring the beauty of Georgia?

    (Oh yeah, I'd also like to report macys to OSHA because the shoe stock room has bad roof and wall leaks with lots of growing mold that they do nothing about)
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2011
  2. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Wow, that's a huge question. There's so much "nature" going on in this state. Have you ever been down towards Savannah or the Okefenokee? Providence Canyon? Tallulah Gorge? Helen?

    And regarding the PT job...I'll admit I thought you were a physical trainer by the "PT" in your title :) If you feel that you're making the right decision based on a rational thought process, then there isn't much anyone else should be able to tell you otherwise. Sometimes, and perhaps more often than anyone would like to admit, it is simply time to move on.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 16, 2011
  3. blaster

    blaster my other ride is your mom Supporting Member

    My thought when I quit my part-time gig was just this: It's not fun anymore, and I don't need it. Done.

    If you leave on good terms, odds are they'd take you back if you were in a jam. For the sake of your mental well-being, GTFO.
  4. nygiant

    nygiant Member

    whats even better is that my new job is home office based, which is frickin awesome.
    thanks for the feedback fellas. i will definitely make sure all is well before i leave in case i need work there again.
  5. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Remember you can work some funky taxes with a home-office. It may be worth your time to pick up an accountant or at least talk with one before next april rolls around to make sure you're recording the correct information, keeping the correct receipts (if any), etc.
  6. Jake

    Jake Active Member

    retail blows, done it for 11yrs in some form or another. hopefully i only have another year or so left and i can put this college degree to use that i am working on. i work two part time jobs and go to school 5days a week. so i work 7nights a week, and commute over 1000miles a week. so, i feel your pain.

    oh and one of my best friends worked in the women's shoe dept at macys in athens till i convinced her to quit and just work her second job only (Olive Garden). pretty much the same story, lots of drama, blah blah
  7. integroid

    integroid Supporting Member

    Retail does blow...I hear Costco employees make pretty good money and have great benefits if you are looking for another part time gig.
  8. Jake

    Jake Active Member

    i've heard that too, but for those whom haven't spent a lot of time in retail; there really is no amount of money worth having to put up with the people we do on a daily basis. sure i'd be a lot happier if i was making twice what i make now, but it'd still be a shitty job and i'd still hate it every day.

    in fact saturday night i made $45/hr, but while i was working i was pissed off, cussing at my coworkers, running around like a chicken with my head cut off and just generally hating life. in the end was it worth it? maybe to some, but i'm not a lifetime retailer, or at least i hope not
  9. GTscoob

    GTscoob Black is Beautiful

    Good to get out of a position like that, you'll be much happier even if making less money. Some people live to work, others enjoy a nicer quality of life at the expense of living on a budget.

    There are some really nice national parks when you head north on any highway. Unicoi State Park has great hiking and mountain bike trails and decent access for camping. Cherokee State Park overflows in Tennessee and is beautiful, plus great driving roads along the Ocoee River.

    Savannah is a fun daytrip, as is Chattanooga. What are your hobbies, other than working overtime retail hours?

    The good thing is that spring is right around the corner and Atlanta is full of fun spring and summer festivals. Some of these are the 420 Fest, Inmark Park Festival, Grant Park Festival, Dogwood Festival, various beerfests throughout town and free concerts all over the place. These festivals are great places to hang out on a saturday afternoon and drink beer, meet girls, play with dogs, throw a frisbee, whatever you enjoy. Grab a creative loafing or sign on to some of the local event blogs to stay up to date with what is going on in the city. I hear there are occasionally fun things that happen OTP but I cant say for sure :pssh:

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