Florida is losing it

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by blink, Jun 5, 2006.

  1. blink

    blink Member

  2. jt money

    jt money 350hp mmm mmm Good! Supporting Member

    my gf sister has 2 lil dogs she takes to eat out with her all the time. you have to sit outside. done it many times.
  3. moose

    moose Infina Mooooooose!

    Did you even read the link you posted?

    So basically the restaurants can decide on their own--they are after all privately owned businesses--whether to allow it. If you don't like it, don't go to a restaurant that allows it.

    It's not a law forcing everybody to allow for it...
  4. GTscoob

    GTscoob Black is Beautiful

    Thats the same argument I always gave against the year old smoking ban here . . .

    Dogs should have to eat outside.
  5. moose

    moose Infina Mooooooose!

    Don't even get me started... I tried to explain to people that these are privately owned establishments and nobody should force non-smoking regulations upon them, but people just can't get past HURRR SMOKING IS BAD HURRR HURRR and actually consider it.
  6. gt9729b

    gt9729b Member

    I agree moose. It's a privately owned business! It's one of those things that I just feel strongly about. If people want to go to a restaurant or bar and have a cigarette with their meal, why should I stop them? I don't smoke, can't stand it, and prefer to eat at restaurants that aren't smoke filled, but hey, let's just let the market decide.

    But, eating with dogs is just as nasty.
  7. sol drums

    sol drums Active Member

    yeah i agree fully with you guys. the thing that pisses me off are all the stupid little laws that are slowly taking away our liberities. if someone wants to be a dumbass and not wear a helmet when riding a motorcycle or wear their seatbelt and then have an accident and lose their life, that is their choice! we shouldn't have these stupid laws.
  8. clemsonscooby

    clemsonscooby Active Member

    Bush administration is bored with passing bills to advance economics, so this is what we get. Is this part of the ever growing pork barreling by the Republican ruled House? Flea soup, yummy.
  9. jt money

    jt money 350hp mmm mmm Good! Supporting Member

    i just want to point out again this is for outside only.
    im not a dog lover and i dont even own one but i dont really see the problem. its not like people are taking a 100lbs rot to eat with them normally its smaller more controlable dogs. its not inside so the hair or fleas dont just sit there it gets blown away in the wind. when you sit outside you have to worry aboput sand and other stuff getting in your food anyway. whats the biggie? its like you alll are telling every dog owner they are nasty cause they own a dog. you dont think when they eat at home the dog isnt near by?
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2006
  10. sol drums

    sol drums Active Member

    i hear ya JT. and when i was agreeing with the posts above, i was agreeing with viewpoint of not seeing a problem with the privately owned resturants choosing to do as they wish.

    one of the coolest resturants that i've eaten at in Charleston, SC is a place called Reds. most of the resturant is outside next the water. you can eat outside, listen to music and watch the boats come in in the evening, while watching the sunset. and if you have a dog, you can bring it with you.

    i think that is cool. and i have owned many dogs.

    but to each his own, that is what makes this country great. everyones different and have different view points.
  11. gt9729b

    gt9729b Member

    In their own home, everyone can do as they please. But, it a restaurant, I don't want to eat with someone else's dog.

    It's just awfully inconsiderate in my opinion. Outside of the fact that most dogs that I know don't really ever just chill out when hot food is around or brought by, not to mention how excited they get around new people. ...and when's the last time your dog got up and left to use the restroom instead of just going where it thought was convenient?

    ...oh, and what about people with allergies to pets? Plenty of my friends almost explode when a dog or cat is nearby. Restaurants are places for people, not animals. Can the dog not stay at home, in the car, etc.? Service dogs are exceptions, of course.
  12. moose

    moose Infina Mooooooose!

    Eating at restaurants is not a right, it's a privilege bestowed upon you by the owner and operator of said establishment.

    If the restaurant allows pets, just don't GO there.

    You want to talk about inconsiderate? Inconsiderate is imposing YOUR personal views and desires upon how somebody else should run their privately owned business. Note that the law _allows_ the owner of the place to decide whether he/she wants to let dogs in. It's more freedom and choice we need, not LESS.
  13. monk

    monk <b>The Kitchen Ninja!!!!</b>

    i agree fully, the only thing that SHOULD be a law is a sign outside the door clearly stating what kind of restaurant it is (smoking/nonsmoking/pets/etc) this way you're not duped into something you don't want.

    but no, it's not your RIGHT to eat at a given restaurant. hasn't anyone here been to clubs where the bouncer says who gets in and who doesn't? same thing. go ahead and walk into a japanese restaurant and ask for a mcdonald's cheeseburger. then duck just before the master sushi chef hurls a sashimi knife at your sorry ass lol.

    and yeah-yeah, i know we can bring up the whole "well we have to pay for your insurance screw-ups, etc". it's REAL simple: if you get into an accident and you're NOT wearing your helmet, your ins. co. can choose to cover you or not. same with smoking or eating in a restaurant. total insurance coverage is not a RIGHT either.
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2006
  14. blink

    blink Member

    Last edited: Jun 7, 2006
  15. monk

    monk <b>The Kitchen Ninja!!!!</b>

  16. gt9729b

    gt9729b Member

    ...and conversely, it's a privilege a consumer bestows upon a business to solicit said business. This is a two-way street.

    Whoa, whoa... First off, how is it incosiderate to simply tell a business that if it chooses to allow dogs to dine along side me, then they will lose my business? Actually, I consider this to be very considerate to the business owner. I mean, as a business owner, direct feedback such as this is what helps create satisfied customers. It's just like you telling XXXX Co. they'd be a lot more likely to get your business (again) if they do/don't do YYYY. I mean, that's just how customer service works.

    Sure, the law allows a restaurant to serve a dog haired burger, but as a customer, I'd simply prefer to not eat it. I can speak either with my wallet, with my mouth, or both.

    Another thing to note is that I haven't complained a lick about the LAW. Trust me, I'm all about letting the market decide things like this. I'm just saying that given the choice of doggie Mickey D's and non-doggie, you know where you won't find me.
  17. jt money

    jt money 350hp mmm mmm Good! Supporting Member

    you make it seem as though the law says that the chef and all kitchen workers are allowed to have their dogs in the kitchen. they are not even allowed inside so places that have no outside eating this wouldnt even be an option. if you dont want to eat with a dog then eat inside! another thing is with outside seating theres normally way more room between tables unlike inside where seating is super close so they can pack people in if need be. ill b e honest ive never seen some one take a dog out to eat that was over 20lbs. so they wouldnt be that hard to control nor would the sheding be as bad. its not like the waitress picks the dog up and holds it over your plate asking if you want fleas and hair on your salad like they do with cheese. ending point i would much rather have a dog next to me than some screaming newborn or an uncontrolable 4 year old lurking over the booth at me while im tring to eat.
  18. moose

    moose Infina Mooooooose!

    No disagreement with you; since we were discussing the law I ass-umed you were for it in your argument. I agree 100% that the market should decide things like these.

    What pisses me off is when people try to use the police power of government to enforce their personal views and desires. Sorry to have accidentally thrown you in that camp. :)
  19. blink

    blink Member

    have you ever had a dog JT?

    you cant avoid the shed, no matter what.. also lets look at something else you mentioned.. that 4 year old wild child. Go to a dog park, or anywhere people bring multiple breeds of dogs, and watch the chaos insue, so yeah ill take a whiny kid over two dogs fighting over a bone around me eating. And one more off the top of my head, how about that dog shitting in the middle of the porch, while its owner is busy..?
  20. jt money

    jt money 350hp mmm mmm Good! Supporting Member

    ok this is where im comming from ive been out to eat many time with my gf sister and she brings these 2 yappers with her. its been more than 30 times and way before the law. even sitting at the same table there was never any dog hair in my food, never did a dog take a shit in the middle of the porch, none of these instances you all mention have happened. and trheres been other dogs there also with no barking and hoopla. oh and ive been to a dog park plenty of times i know how that is but its not like everyone on the porch is going to have a dog.
  21. blink

    blink Member

    you didnt answer my question!!! :) :)

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