For all you SEC fans...

Discussion in 'Sports' started by sol drums, Jul 21, 2006.

  1. sol drums

    sol drums Active Member

    I know some of you are like me, anxiously awaiting the upcoming football season...

    Well, I found this article on my team, West Virginia, from a southern football website. It does a good job of comparing the similarites of WVU football and the SEC. I know many SEC fans will say, "West Virginia has nothing in common with the SEC. The SEC is the top conference in the country and WVU just doesn't belong. Will never happen!". Now i agree that the SEC is the top conference in the country and WVU will probably never get the invite. But WVU football has a lot incommon with teams in the SEC, more than you would think.

    As much as I would absolutely LOVE to see WVU in the SEC, I think we are just fine where we are right now. Top dog in the Big East (much like FSU was in the old ACC) and building an elite program under Coach Rod. If only some other teams in the Big East would return to their winning ways of the past (Syracuse, Pittsburgh... even thou i HATE them), then the conference would be in much better shape.

    also i love this...

    That is so true! I know that area soooo well, it's where i grew up!!
  2. heathbar

    heathbar Member

    Go Gators! :bigthumb:
  3. wrxguy

    wrxguy Member

  4. jt money

    jt money 350hp mmm mmm Good! Supporting Member

    wow thats crazy why would wv want to move to the sec in the first place? oh well. just another team to make the schedule harder.

    yess sir! i saw your wallet last night way to rep!:wiggle:
  5. sol drums

    sol drums Active Member

    I don't think WVU wants to move to the SEC, at this present time.

    The conference sucks past WVU & UofL, there have been rumors flying around that the BE may split between the FB & BB schools and BB only schools and start new conferences in the near future. Also if teams like sPitt and syracuse don't improve and return to their winning ways, thus killing the BE, and WVU continues to keep building their program and remain the top dog then they will more than likely want out.

    Really all this depends on what happens when the BCS renews it's contract. (i will be very suprised if there is not major conference realignment in the future)

    Now if an invite to the SEC is extended to WV sometime in the future, i have no doubt they will not turn it down.
  6. jt money

    jt money 350hp mmm mmm Good! Supporting Member

    why thats how you win national titles. just look at fsu and usc team. they both play nobodys and are ranked so high in the preseason that they never get bumped down in ranking. :hsnono: but i agree with you though you lose respect of others when you have a weak schedule.
  7. heathbar

    heathbar Member

    I agree with the UCS comment, but I would have to say FSU doesn't have it so easy anymore... with the likes of Vtech and Miami in there (UVa is getting good), the ACC isn't such a push over. Plus FSU has to deal with a beating from UF every year!
  8. sol drums

    sol drums Active Member

    true. but those programs are well known and have won NC's, they get their due respect even though they play in weak conferences. (WVU is the most winningest program without a NC) even though i knew that they were legit last year, all i heard from media and other fans was that the BE didn't deserve their auto BCS bid... and from UGA fans was that we were going to get killed.

    WV was the only BE team to win a bowl game last year. we got the bowl losing streak off our back. (now the gold domers have the record for longest bowl losing streak) and pretty much saved the conference for the next year or so by beating the SEC champ in a BCS bowl, in their backyard.

    now this year we have gotten some really great pre-season press, but i've been hearing how our scheldule is too easy and even if we go undefeated we still don't deserve to play in the NC ahead of a one loss SEC or other power school.

    the reason our schedule is so weak is... because we are still trying to recover from the ACC raid. (it's amazing how terrible the media and fans memory are)

    when games are scheduled years in advance, it's not the easiest thing to replace teams at the caliber of Miami and VT in a very short notice. now in the next few years we have added Auburn, Michigan St, Miss St & FSU to our OOC schedule to make up for our weak BE schedule. now if we go 12-0 and get left out of the NC because a one loss team played a tougher schedule than i will be pissed. it is not our fault that our schedule is easy this year. we are playing the cards that we're dealt.

    if we go 12-0 we do deserve to play in the NC because of our talent. we have 51 lettermen returning. didn't we prove last year in the sugar bowl that we can hang with the big boys?

    because of the weak conference we play in and not having won any past NC's or have the history of the elite programs, we do not have the luxury of the FSU's and USC's that play nobodys and are ranked so high in the preseason that they never get bumped down in ranking.

    so if WVU is going to be shut out of the NC game because of our conference than yes, they would want out. but if they can remain the top dog in the BE with a tough out of conference schedule and play in NC's and continue to build into an elite program then why leave?

    sorry for the long rant, i can't wait for football season and i love the Moutaineers!!!

    oh, and JT said it was my job to keep you southerns informed on football from the north.
  9. heathbar

    heathbar Member

    sounds like a valid perspective. I'll officially cheer for WV now :) unless they're playing the Gators or GTech.
  10. blink

    blink Member

    are you serious? we played the #3 team in the nation and took them to the 3rd overtime, and before that beat VT in the acc title game.. so i pretty damn sure we deserve our preseason spot... Don't be mad you lost your coach to USC, and got the most overrated coach to replace him.

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