good on them...
"Fines and Forfeitures are 21 percent ($2.4 million) of the revenue" (Just for Norcross) :grr: Amazing to consider how many people would lose their jobs if everyone stopped breaking laws....I do my part to support them everyday :wiggle:
very interesting (both posts) i remember when duluth's finest got into a bit of trouble when their citation revenues were somewhere around 100%+ of their annual budget.
fuck these assholes and their revenue generation. I'm about to lose my mind, buy a bunch of guns and turn my house into a compound if the government doesn't stop nickel and diming the shit out of me. on a fundamental/philosophical level, what really grants the local governments a form of totalitarian power over an individual? just because you're born here, choose to live here? call me an anarchist, but I really don't recognize anyone's authority over my life and my actions. I'm sorry your budget is short, you have inept politicians with no business being in 'power', and morally bankrupt assholes enforcing things. why the fuck should I care, and why can you just arbitrarily demand things of me that I really don't care about complying with. when I can just say "NO" to these people and not having to worry about losing my livelihood and freedom. ps michael douglas in "Falling Down" is my hero.