For the marching band kids - Dragostea Din Dei/ Numa Numa guy

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by GTscoob, Oct 27, 2009.

  1. GTscoob

    GTscoob Black is Beautiful MSU Halftime Show

    +10 for originality
    -5 for a shitty conductor, although no doubt they have 2-3 other drum majors farther down on the field that the kids are actually looking at
    -5 for the fact that the song was old before it was made famous by a fatass on headphones years ago

    but I laughed and enjoyed it and wish that the GT band would do something like this instead of 50 Cent covers.
  2. Nice! GT doing 50 cent covers?! Good grief. My high school marching band did covers of songs like "This is how we do it." Once I actually heard the lyrics to the real song I was like WTF? This is not Compton. It's Chamblee.

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