We just wrapped up an in depth R35 GT-R build here at the shop which consists our in house assembled Forged Performance FP1 VR38 Shortblock and FP Spec Turbo Upgrade. Sharif had the car strapped down to our Dyno Dynamics a few days ago for break in and initial tuning and the car responded and performed flawlessly as expected. The end result of the 93 octane pump gas Road Race ECU calibration was an impressive 704whp at 22 PSI! Soon this pump gas monster will spend some more time with Sharif on the streets of Marietta, Georgia for some street tuning to make sure it not only makes great power but also has the stock like driveability and seamless power delivery that our ECU calibrations are known for. You can expect a full build thread with a ton of high quality photos coming soon, but for now check out the video I put together while it was on the dyno earlier this week: ~PLEASE WATCH IN HD~ Forged Performance: 704whp Pump Gas GT-R Dyno