Forged Performance: Caffeine and Octane Meet Coverage

Discussion in 'Forged Performance' started by Chadbee@Forged, Sep 6, 2011.

  1. Sunday morning we met up at the shop at 7am to take the Forged Performance Shop Cars to the monthly gathering known as Caffeine and Octane. This was the first event held at the new location at Northview High School in Johns Creek, GA which was about a 30 mile drive for us. Despite the drive we still brought our race prepped GT3, two HKS GT800 turbo upgraded GT-R's and the NISMO 370Z. After a spirited yet totally law abiding cruise we arrived at the meet a little before 8am and claimed our parking spots. We spent most of the morning talking with customers, friends and strangers about everything automotive and still managed to make a few laps around the parking lot to check out the impressive display of classics, muscle cars, cruisers, rat rods, exotics and imports. I managed to take a break from the social activities and put my camera to use getting some coverage of the event.



















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    Around 11:30AM our hunger got the best of us and decided to was time to make our exit from yet another quality Caffeine and Octane Meet. We invited friends and customers to join us for brunch at the Marietta Diner where we enjoyed some amazing food with a great group of people. Make sure to check out the: Forged Performance Facebook Page to stay up to date on local events. We would love to have you join us in the future!

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