Ive Thought About It, But Just Never Get Off Work Early Anough. I Want To Try And Make It Out At Least Once Though
I've seen a lot of NICE rides up there. I just thought it would be cool if a bunch of Wrx's showed up.:naughty:
No, its AMS, Milo. Check it out ----> http://www.atlantamotorspeedway.com/speedway/friday_night_drags/
I haven't been up to commerce in a while but nope this is AMS. They just started the series a while back. Thanks 5spdfrk for the link. :wavey:
nice...finally the northsiders will actually come down to the south. yeah i've been once, and it's a good turn out.
I'm down to go. I've heard about a "StreetRacer" party there advertised on the radio a couple of weeks ago. And I think they had something similar last week. I don't get off work until about 10ish on Fridays but I'm sure if its good u guys will still be there.