i'm annoyed right now. I'm trying to get these speakers i got installed, and i have my door apart. I need spacers i think. Oh not because of the only reason I've ever seen anyone talk about needing spacers for, which is to increase available mounting depth. no, my new speakers are just as shallow as the oems. I think I need spacers because, despite being 6.5", the metal basket is not big enough to match up with the opening in the door's holes. suggestions? options? If there's still a way to do this without paying for #@%$ over priced spacers, i'm all ears.
You could do this if you have the right tools to do it, but I am guessing that most likely you don't have a Planer, so it will not be an easy task. Is the problem that the screw holes are not lining up? If so, if you can get a couple in, 3 out of 4 or 5, that should be good enough to keep the speaker from going anywhere. If it is something else, if you can post pics up of what you are refering to, that would help.
when i did mine, the screw holes didn't line up either, so i just drilled new ones. the factory holes are still there, in case i ever decide to go back to the stock speakers.
Well... the people in the rotozip commercials would've already had one made up and ready for you to install with ease.
i have both, but no circle cutter for the dremmel, and the dremmel bit wont fit in the roto... its not just that the holes don't match up, but that the opening in the door panel is too big for the speaker basket. I have no problem drilling custom holes, but i have to be able to hit something to drill into. ;p
You don't need a circle cutter. Go find a cereal bowl or something round and trace it out, then freehand cut it. No it may not be pretty, but you can certainly make it work.
i have a circle cutter for the Roto, just no bit. I have a long lunch today, I'm gonna get some supplies and some velcro to mount the x-over while i'm at it.
well, I picked up the wood, but I remembered i don't have a Roto, i have a Craftsman rotary cutter, and i have no idea what size bit or chuck it uses. And the tool guy at the Lowes on the Perimeter sucked, he didn't offer any help because it wasn't something they carried, but it was more like he didn't want to be there. I don't remember what size bit it uses, nor did i have time to find a Sears. I dont get off til 10pm...everything is conspiring against me...
I doubt there would be any guide. Just go to town on it, it doesnt have to be pretty but just hold it in there and be thin enough to snap the door panel back over.
crud. This isn't working. I was hoping this would be a quick drop in, just in time for when i drive out of town on thursday... I think i'm driving to nashville with no right speakers or door panel...
If you are free any evening before your trip, I can try to help you. Will PM you my number, give me a call.
thx, pn sent. You like being up late? ;p Sure, but there's not much left for a photo to tell you...would a particular angle be more helpful?
ah, no it didn't there, sadly. the door cubby hits it there... I got me some velcro and have been trying other places. I stuck it around 2:30am and went to bed. Will look at it again...