funny cop story and nitrous and bovs... just read

Discussion in 'Peanut Gallery' started by osborne519, Jun 19, 2008.

  1. osborne519

    osborne519 Member

    just read i know its long but in the end u might lol or at least find it interesting

    ok well i pulled into a gas station and hit the bov as i came in... and this cop comes over with his lights on it was a kinda young guy(late 20s) acting like a hard ass(basically being a douche) any who he gets out and say to me "boy do u know that nitrous is illegal" and i said....."yeah...... i know"... then he says "then y the hell do u have it in ur car".... and at this point in thinking this is gonna be fun..and i say "what are u talking about" and he says "boy id start telling the truth" ... and well i laughed a little and he said "what as so funny" and said "i dont have nitrous"... and he says "thats bullshit. do u know i can have your car towed for having that shit..." then officer #2 shows up and officer #1 starts to tell him what he thinks he knows about my car and i proceed with the conversation by saying:hsnono:" u do realize that if u tow it and tear it apart ill then have a wrongful arrest suit and then ull pay for any damages to the car..".. then he starts bitchin left and right... then i said" well ....officer id suggest u might want to ask questions before u assume u know what ur talking about.. because that noise u heard was a bov from a turbo and it happens everytime i left off the gas".... then i opened the hood and showed him every part of the car then asked "now officer wheres this nitrous u were talking about " and buy this time officer#2 is laughing his ass off because he's figured out whats going on and then officer #1 says with a PISSED look on his face"well i guess i was wrong" and i said "no problem just next time you might want to try a more nicer approach instead of assuming ur right" and he said that he agreed and basically said that he was sry for the whole thing.... then after he left officer # 2 came over to me explained that #1 was a rookie and that they had set him up then we talked for a bit and he left

    and that happened a couple of months ago and since then #1 and i have run into each other a few times and even had a laugh about the whole thing(and he let me go on a speeding ticket) so over all id say this ranks up there on my LOLWTF meter and i figured id share it with u guys
  2. nicad

    nicad Yes I am a troll

    you're an idiot.

  3. SonicBoom

    SonicBoom Active Member

    Almost blacked out by reading the longest run-on sentence ever without taking a breath...
  4. WJM

    WJM Banned

    Theis thiead delivers.
  5. nsvwrx

    nsvwrx Active Member

    for shizzle.
  6. Sparta

    Sparta Active Member

    U sure you don't have nos stickers? Lol

    I thought u were moving?
  7. My head hurts now.....
  8. Thats classic!!!!
  9. osborne519

    osborne519 Member

    to the non believer i sware on my mothers grave its true.. and my bad i dont use grammar online ever because its pointless and im normally in a hurry
  10. osborne519

    osborne519 Member

    and to answer ur question dezzy im still painting and ive given up on an actual moving date ill leave as soon as i can to go play in the desert
  11. nsvwrx

    nsvwrx Active Member


    ^ yay for those.
  12. TougeTuned

    TougeTuned Banned

  13. Ben@TTR

    Ben@TTR Member

    thats the biggest energy drink ive ever seen :eek4:
  14. SUBY_RUE

    SUBY_RUE Member


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