GA3S and SELOC bring you: South East Track Day 2006!!!

Discussion in 'Meetups & Events' started by miloman, Feb 2, 2006.

  1. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    Southeast Track Day: March 5, 2006 @ Silver Dollar


    March 5, 2006 @ Silverdollar Raceway - Reynolds, Georgia

    Sponsored by:
    3SX Performance
    Kings VIP
    Cianci Performance
    Maximal Performance

    Sunday - March 5, 2006
    • Meet @ the The Varsity Downtown @ 8am.
      • Some people are on the southside, closer to the track, if you are let us know and we'll coordinate a meeting spot on the southside if you want to caravan with everyone [like we did last year!]
    • Silverdollar charges $10/person who enters the gate
    • Silverdollar opens it's gate at 10am
    • Racing starts at 11am
    • Elimination races for the Quick 8 will start in mid afternoon
    • The Quick 8 competition will be held near the end of the event, with the track closing at 5pm

    Tech Card to race/tune/compete
    • Pre-paid tech cards [required to race] are $22
      • This includes a Track Day T-shirt & guarantees your spot at the track!
    • Tech cards at the track will be $25 & do not come with a t-shirt
      • T-shirts will be available at a discount to those who buy their tech card at the track :: $5
    • T-shirts will be available for $8 for any spectator or those wanting an extra.

    Quick 8
    • The fastest eight vehicles will compete in elimination rounds for 4 top place cash prizes.
    • The vehicle must be a street car and have a current tag.
    • Tires must be DOT stamped. Full race slicks are not allowed.
    • No gutted cars. The interior must be intact to a large degree.
    • There are no limits on fuel type or power adders. Silverdollar has 100 Octane Unleaded, VP Blue 112, 110 Octane Leaded, & C-12 (VP's most popular racing fuel for compression ratios up to 15 to 1) available at the track.
    • This is a "run what you brung," full out street legal race. Fastest car and driver wins.

    All information is on the website!! It's going to be a big year guys, hope to see you guys March 5!!!!

  2. mattprzy

    mattprzy Active Member

    I'm a little confused about the tech card. Do you need to pay 22 dollars to race? or is 10?
  3. stlth664

    stlth664 Supporting Member

    Sorry for the confusion! It's $10 for everyone [racers and spectators] to enter the gate at Silverdollar, then it's $22 for a tech card when you pre-pay!
  4. FTZ

    FTZ ^.^

    I'm will be there. Was alot of fun last year, and a really cool group of people. Plus the 40 car+ caravan from Varsity was cool.
  5. mattprzy

    mattprzy Active Member

    ah okay. I would like to do it, but it's already bad enough for my clutch to launch it... and currently my clutch it starting to slip (only in 4th and 5th at the moment) and I don't know if I'll want to drag with a new clutch (if i have it by then.) =\
  6. BrownCow

    BrownCow Member

    Ill be there.
  7. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    last year it was just WRXFan420 and myself representing the subaru community... we had over 15 runs each with almost no wait... and the people r real cool... come show our support
  8. Alex_ATL

    Alex_ATL Member

    March5th - South East Track Day

    Wondering if any of you guys are planning on going to this.

    Looks like a blast. Being hosted by GA 3000GT/Stealth and SELOC

    track opens at 10am racing starts at 11
    Preregistration ends Feb 27th

    The gate fee is $10. Everyone, drivers and spectators, must pay this to get in. To race you will need a tech card. Tech cards are $22 through the register link on the side of the page. This includes a track day t-shirt as well as the tech card. If you pay at the event, the tech card will be $25 and will not include a t-shirt. So, pre-register! You save money, get a t-shirt, &reserve your spot!"

    Yes there is! We meet at the Varisty Downtown at 8am to caravan to the Reynolds, GA! If you are already on the south side of town and want to join in the caravan, let a Georgia 3/S member know [] or a SELOC member know [] and we can coordinate a meeting spot!"

    as many runs as you can get in

    typical track rules

    We will have a Quick 8 Elimination toward the end of the day with the top 4 places will receive a cash prize. There are no plans for a bracket race at this time.
  9. slowwrx

    slowwrx Supporting Member

    I'm going
  10. Alex_ATL

    Alex_ATL Member

    thx for bumping it Milo lol where exactly was this thread anyway :hs:
  11. rolling_trip

    rolling_trip Active Member

    sounds like fun, hopefully my car will be ready by then. Maybe this time i can break into the 12's
  12. MarkM2016GTI

    MarkM2016GTI Supporting Member

    I would go, but that is the same day I am planning for the Gwinnett Gladiator's Hockey game g2g...

  13. 1SICKLEX

    1SICKLEX Member

    Looking forward to seeing ya'll there!!
  14. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    likewise :)
  15. knhtrdr

    knhtrdr Active Member

    Sounds like fun if my pocket is right I'll be down for the drive. Haven't been to the track in the wagon yet.
  16. GTscoob

    GTscoob Black is Beautiful

    I'll see if I can scrounge up $22 and see how badly I can drive my car. I've yet to launch the car.
  17. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    last time jason and i went there, we both got over 15 runs in with hardly any wait in between
  18. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Wow! :eek3:
  19. FTZ

    FTZ ^.^

    I could have done more than 15 runs, but gave up on my goal to get into 13s.

    Milo, did you merge this with the other thread we have about this? I think this is the 4th time someone started a thread about this event. I know I merged 2 together.
  20. wrxguy

    wrxguy Member

    I'll be there.
  21. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    i believe alex merged them the last time... we will keep doing that if any new threads start so all the discussion stays in the same place
  22. wrxguy

    wrxguy Member

    So who wants to take bets for when im going to break my transmission
  23. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    i dont even wanna think about it :eek:hnoes:
  24. knhtrdr

    knhtrdr Active Member

    Please NNOOO dude!!! the tow truck from there is like $$$$ crazy! I know this cause last time I was there my friends honda si turbo broke and was leaking anti freeze and that happened Before we got to the track and his car came out the shop the day before!!
  25. wrxguy

    wrxguy Member

    yeah i think ill stick to 3k drops compared to 5k drops
  26. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    i'll do the 5k slip :)
  27. stlth664

    stlth664 Supporting Member

    Don't forget to pre-register, guys! It's cheaper for you and you get a t-shirt :D [Also, pre-registration ends Feb 27th]

    I can't wait, only a few more weeks!!! :banana: I ordered 2 magnaflow mufflers and am getting my true dual put on tomorrow, I have to replace my coolant temp sensor, find the source to my battery going dead every 24 hours, and change oil/spark plugs! Course, I'm doing better than some of the other 3Ss, there's 3 of them with the motors out still :eek3:
  28. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    haha, you got this!
  29. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    i just registered.... but i forgot to include my name/car/etc...
  30. 1SICKLEX

    1SICKLEX Member

  31. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    i sent it to christy... she said she took care of it... thanks :)
  32. Kokopelli

    Kokopelli Active Member

    I just preregistered.

    Are people going to meet at the varsity for a caravan?
  33. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    yes... thats the plan
  34. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    I am not going to run the car, however, I will be attending.
  35. Genya

    Genya No Longer Up At Odd Hours

    Should be fun if they prep it good can't wait.
  36. slowwrx

    slowwrx Supporting Member

    I dont think we will be there with the Subaru, we havent decided yet. The 240sx will be there and hopefuly Jeremys Mustang coupe will be finished by then.

  37. stlth664

    stlth664 Supporting Member

    Just a reminder, pre-registration ends tomorrow [Monday]! One more week :wiggle:

    8am @ Varsity downtown :)
  38. knhtrdr

    knhtrdr Active Member

    So except for the top 8, your are just running against time??
  39. wrxguy

    wrxguy Member

    i just pre-registered!
  40. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    We'll be there bright and early at 8am!
  41. wrxguy

    wrxguy Member

    So its only milo and myself that are running our scoob's. I guess we have to represent.
  42. stlth664

    stlth664 Supporting Member

    Today is the last day to pre-register if anyone was thinking about it!!

    Yeah ... we started the track day in 2001 with the intent to race against cars we want to race against legally, tune, test mods, and make it mildly competitive. Which is why we only have one Quick 8 and not a ton of classes. With a bunch of different classes, you are hendered on free passes because qualifying takes up a good chunk of the day.
  43. knhtrdr

    knhtrdr Active Member

    I'll be runnin mine with some high octane stuff. but broke till tomorrow so I gotta pay the higher price.
  44. knhtrdr

    knhtrdr Active Member

  45. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    i believe genya and liquidforce are coming too... not sure who else plans to race
  46. wrxbacano

    wrxbacano Member

    Sounds like fun it looks like Ill be there with my brother and his 3kgt but I dont know if I should race.... I'm stock.
  47. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    u should race it stock... it will give u some base time to compare against when u add mods
  48. knhtrdr

    knhtrdr Active Member

    MeeTOO!!! maybe we can line up if we get a chance:banana::ddirty:
  49. knhtrdr

    knhtrdr Active Member

  50. wrxbacano

    wrxbacano Member

    what kind of time would I be looking @ stock?? oh no with an intake ha ha ha ha ha

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