Gauging Interest: APS Turbo Inlet

Discussion in 'Group Buys' started by Sakari Motorsports, Jun 5, 2006.

  1. We just received APS Turbo Inlet that we have ordered for a customer.

    Just wondering if any of you guys would be interested in a group buy on these or an individual sale.


    Let us know! ;)
  2. socrates42

    socrates42 Member

    group buy :banana:

    forgot to ask, do you have to take your intake manifold off to get this piece in? I know the silicone ones are designed to be installed without taking that off. for the shade tree mechanic and all.
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2006
  3. From what I've been told and reading on Nasioc, you do not have to remove the intake manifold on WRX's but you do on the STi's.

    We will be installing this soon on a 04 WRX so I will let you guys know how it goes. ;)
  4. WrxCrazy

    WrxCrazy Active Member

    also.. how much is the cost when going under group buy or different buy?
  5. socrates42

    socrates42 Member

    yeah let us know how it turns out on the install. Take some pics, wrxatl needs some more how-to writeups
  6. nsvwrx

    nsvwrx Active Member

    and what exactly will it do for my car =P
  7. Straight from APS website
    I'm sure Andy will write a nice review on it after installing and getting it tuned! ;)
  8. socrates42

    socrates42 Member

  9. Goose013

    Goose013 Member

    group buy price???
  10. We are installing it tomorrow (Tuesday). I'm sure Andy (JJang12) will do a review on it and I will have the group buy price up... ;)
  11. socrates42

    socrates42 Member

    yay :banana:
  12. Ok we did install the turbo inlet today and whew... what a PITA haha

    It is a very tight fit and as we were informed on Nasioc, we did it without removing the intake manifold (only on WRX). I can give some pointers to people who wants to install this on your own. I don't know if I will offer to help the install on this one haha I guess the first time is always harsh though. :)

    We had one fitment issue with the powersteering line (which I was also informed by reading on Nasioc), we made a little ding on the side of the pipe. Although, it did seem like that we received a newer batch with APS metal plate on the pipe and seems to be already dinged up spot on the pipe but it still quite didn't clear the power steering line.

    I will wait for Andy to chim in for the gains performance wise. ;)

    Please PM me for a price as I don't think we have enough people to make this as a group buy. Thanks!

  13. JJang12

    JJang12 Active Member

    Thanx again michael, for helping me out with installation. It took us about 4-5hr. Installation isn't that bad as long as you take your time and appreciate your sweats. :) For me, it's been a while since I worked on my car (other than oil change), so it was pretty fun for me. Micheal can give you some tips if you need help. and of course, THE WRXatlanta member hook up on price as well.

    I would like to do the review about a week later to make sure my car can learn the new mod. But here is my inital review from driving home back.

    Lots of turbo sound. :bigthumb: You hear way more than compare to stock set up. With stock turbo inlet, once you pass about 5-8psi, exhaust sound surpasses the turbo whistle sound (18G is more than twice louder 13T). Now, you hear all the way, PLUS WG sound as it trys to control the boost. Another : bigthumb: That sound alone worth the back pain from yesterday. haha

    Stock turbo inlet is just .... trash. I'm glad that i switched out because it is very easy to get ripped and get torn. APS unit seems like it will outlast my car's life. so no need to worry about getting collapse or ripped apart.

    So far nothing really except little back pain. haha

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