GM is selling off it's Subi shares to...

Discussion in 'Other Models' started by Superdude, Oct 5, 2005.

  1. Superdude

    Superdude Active Member

    I welcome Toyota's deep pockets and top quality...

    GM to Sell Its 20% Stake
    In Fuji Heavy Industries
    Toyota Will Buy an 8.7% Holding
    In Maker of Subaru Sport Wagons
    Staff Reporter of THE WALL STREET JOURNAL
    October 5, 2005 10:05 a.m.

    TOKYO — General Motors Corp. rocked the Japanese auto
    industry by announcing it would sell its entire 20%
    stake in Fuji Heavy Industries Inc., driving the maker
    of Subaru sport wagons into the hands of GM's
    archrival, Toyota Motor Corp.

    Toyota said it would pay roughly $315 million for an
    8.7% stake of Fuji, saying that antitrust concerns –
    Toyota already has 45% of the Japanese car market –
    discouraged it from buying more of Fuji. But the move
    underscored the diverging fortunes of GM, which is
    struggling financially and losing market share, and
    Toyota, which is increasing both share and profits in
    the vast majority of auto markets around the world.

    Fuji Heavy President Kyoji Takenaka told reporters
    Wednesday that GM and Fuji Heavy have agreed to
    dissolve their relationship, and would rethink key
    joint projects. Fuji Heavy will continue to partner
    with GM in producing the Saab 9-2, a sport wagon, but
    Mr. Takenaka said the two will cancel plans announced
    last year to develop a Saab wagon-sport utility
    crossover vehicle, which will cause Fuji to take a
    charge of roughly $50 million during the current
    fiscal year related to the project.

    "The two companies [GM and Fuji] concluded that
    mutually beneficial large projects are unlikely in the
    future," Fuji's Mr. Takanaka said. But Mr. Takenaka,
    sitting next to Toyota Executive Vice President Mitsuo
    Kinoshita, was quick to stress Fuji would now sit down
    with new partner Toyota to explore possibilities for a
    new range of areas for cooperation.

    Toyota's role in the troubles at GM, which is losing
    money in its core auto operations, has been the
    subject of much speculation ever since Toyota Chairman
    Hiroshi Okuda told reporters this spring that the
    Japanese car industry should give the struggling car
    makers of Detroit some "breathing room" lest it spark
    a political backlash, and at one point even suggesting
    raising prices, an idea Toyota immediately dropped
    after objections from its sales team in the U.S.
    Japan's media has been rife with speculation over how
    else Toyota might ease the pressure on Detroit.

    Speaking in Tokyo at a surprise news conference
    Wednesday evening, Toyota's Mr. Kinoshita denied that
    the transaction between Toyota, Fuji and GM was in any
    way designed to ease some of the relentless
    competitive pressure on GM from Japanese car makers.
    "This has absolutely nothing to do with providing [GM]
    with assistance," Mr. Kinoshita said.

    But the move will undeniably provide GM with financial
    leeway. GM suggested in a statement that the sale of
    the 157 million shares in Fuji Heavy would yield
    between $700 million and $800 million. Toyota will buy
    68 million of those shares, while Fuji's treasury
    department will buy up another 90 million shares from
    the open market, offsetting the impact of GM's plan to
    sell its remaining stake, 89 million shares, in the market.
  2. Mad Mallard

    Mad Mallard the mad mallard


    I tell you, the american car makers are now feeling the collective weight of 20 years of sitting on your ass.

    The cobalt should have replaced the cavalier after 5 years. Its all old technology. They've been milking the SUV and Truck cow for too long and are now getting spanked out of their core markets too because of gas prices...
  3. moose

    moose Infina Mooooooose!

    I think GM is worst off of the bunch.

    Ford has the government car field (Crown Vic, what was GM thinking stopping production of the Caprice?), and the new Mustang is allegedly selling like hotcakes. Plus, they own Volvo passenger cars division which makes a fair amount of coin.

    Daimler-Chrysler has interesting designs and the balls to put out some pretty different vehicles, like the PT Cruiser and the 300C.

    GM? Well.. let's make the SSR, a way overpriced truck thing that 20-somes might want to buy except they can't afford it. And look, the PT Cruiser took off, let's make a clone of it! And whoa hey, check out Ford and their new Mustang, let's release a 'retro' Camaro!

    To hell with 'em.. other than the Corvette, they can roll over and die for all I care.
  4. 1ll-WRX

    1ll-WRX Active Member

    Are they really putting out a retro camaro?
  5. moose

    moose Infina Mooooooose!

    Allegedly they're working on one... nothing set in stone yet.
  6. rolling_trip

    rolling_trip Active Member

    have you ot been drive down the road lately?

    btw the camaro concept looks like ass
  7. moose

    moose Infina Mooooooose!

    That's not the Camaro concept.. that series of images was made by a high school kid and has no relation to GM.
  8. Mad Mallard

    Mad Mallard the mad mallard

    either way, GM represent everything there is to hate about detroit right now.

    H2 built on lame suburban chassis, FWD full sizes, big heavy Corvettes, overpriced chicken-taxed silverado trucks for 30 years....

    big, bloated fat cat executives, market analysis with all the intelligence of a metric bolt, global badge engineering rather than actually making something worht producing themselves....
  9. rolling_trip

    rolling_trip Active Member

    Don't sugar coat it, tell us how you really feel about GM.:keke:
  10. Mad Mallard

    Mad Mallard the mad mallard

    it just ticks me off that capable people IN gm are subject to the stupid decisions of the executives only interested in what they think effects profit. Only they're ignorant....
  11. Goose013

    Goose013 Member

    GM sucks BALLS!.........D-Chrysler rules!!! hahahahahahaha
    if they bring back the Camaro every trailer home will be quickly adorned with one

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