Hey guys I know i always seem to disappear while going to school, but this semester is almost over. However, I thought i would let everyone know that on OCT 29th of this year I ship out to Navy Boot Camp It was a tough decision and came down to the navy and the marines. Anyway i just wanted to let everyone know.
Excellent choice! Be nice to your corpsmen and they will be nice to you. Boot camp is cake outside of the lack of sleep and the mental stress as long as your in even decent shape before hand. Did you pick an "A" school?
Good deal, the old rumor was that they teach you how to kill yourself correctly in Nuke School...I never did hear why?? I am sure it was just an "urban Legend" though...:eek3:
Congratulations Chip...Thank you for serving man...I wish you the very best of luck. Are you going to become an officer eventually or do you want to stay enlisted?. That is an excellent career path by the way...A couple buddies of mine at Andrews AFB used to be submariners. You will find the military to be very rewarding. Heck, you should try out for the NAVY baseball team.... Mark
Good luck man! One of my best friends from NJ just started up Navy OCS and flight school. Make us proud.
thanks guys. Im really excited. I do plan on becoming an officer, I have 90+ hrs of college already and after all the classes i have to take at the nuclear power training command i will have even more so hopefully ill be able to become an officer faily quickly just on merit of gaining a degree. If not its ok I think that I am in this for the long haul and going to try for 20 years and retirment thats one reason i chose the navy over the marines.
we should defiantly chill before i leave.. like I said finals are next week so ill be free much more often
You will definitely want to become an "O" if you decide to make it a career. The officers in the Navy have a much better quality of life than the enlisted. The good thing is, you can finish your degree once you get to a duty station, even on the ship. Good luck again!
Congrats man and like the others have said THANKS FOR SERVING. Its one of the few things you can do in life to truly distinguish youre self from others. You are truly a better man than most. Our family will keep you in our thoughts while youre gone. Matt
As a former veteran, I can definitely say that the military is a great way to go...Congrats Chip and I wish you the very best in the USN...Like I was telling you yesterday, the career path that you took is one of the very best and very rewarding. I will try to locate my friend's info that was on a nuclear sub. Mark