Going to merry ol' England

Discussion in 'Peanut Gallery' started by AXLEJOHNSON, Feb 18, 2008.



    I am going to London next Friday for the for the first time and was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for things to do or see there? I will be drinking a lot of course:beer: I am also flying over to Amsterdam for a couple of days, but I know exactly what I am doing there.:420: I am planning on coming back with an accent, thanks guvnas!
  2. caseyfoster

    caseyfoster Member

    Ask Jack, hes about as english as it gets.
  3. WJM

    WJM Banned



    Thats what I was thinking, but haven't found much on it. I was trying to find a place to get some genuine rally gear.
  5. WJM

    WJM Banned

    just show up and demand a tour....talk in a scottish accent and say that you've traveled millions of miles, I mean, thousands of miles.
  6. BKiller

    BKiller Active Member

    Becareful in the Redlight District in Amsterdam.
    All those guys walking around saying "Charlie" aren't looking for him, they are looking to sell...


    Kind of reminds me of my time in the Mekong delta, hope I don't have a flashback.
  8. dontcallitarex

    dontcallitarex Active Member

    I suggest the tower of london. It was awesome, despite its touristy reputation.

    And any place with beer is sure to please.

    Check out the car dealers too if you can find any. Fun stuff.
  9. ScoobyMike

    ScoobyMike OG Mod

    get a beer at McDonald's FTW it's sweet!!!


    Beer at McDonalds? Is it on the value menu? and is it American? Sounds like my type of nation.
  11. ScoobyMike

    ScoobyMike OG Mod

    yeah they serve it at the ol' mickyD's its freakin sweet, BigMac & a beer please!!


    I am hoping that in Amsterdam McDonalds sells some type cannabis parfait:sx:
  13. BKiller

    BKiller Active Member

    Hit the fry stands on the corners in Amsterdam. Grubbin fries...
    Also, you pretty much have to request Ice in your drinks or you get none.
  14. dontcallitarex

    dontcallitarex Active Member

    True. This is true in all of Europe, though.

    Also, remember to look LEFT before crossing the street!! I saw so many tourists almost get killed by flying Vauxhalls.
  15. BKiller

    BKiller Active Member

    We rented scooters when in Amsterdam and it was the most fun of the entire trip. They have an entire traffic system just for scooters and tons of fun trails for them.


    Scooter sound pretty awesome, I will have to check that out for London also.
  17. scoobaru

    scoobaru Active Member

    don't have much to add other then have an awesome trip! I'd like to go one day.
  18. WJM

    WJM Banned

    no one got my star trek 4 reference...


    So while I was in London I kept looking for some Subies, I was surprised not to see any for a couple days. I saw atleast 4 Ferrari's and a McLaren SLR, but no Subies. Finally when I was at my Graceland, Abbey Road, I hear that boxer rumble, I look to that famous crosswalk and see a WRB GC coming, I am finally satisfied. During the rest of the trip I only saw one more GC and an Outback. I thought I would have seen a lot more, but maybe it was just London.
  20. bbb

    bbb New Member

    I spent a few months working out of London few years ago and suggest following. To get overall lay of things take few hours and buy ticket to tour around on double decker bus. You can get on off wherever you want to see something and catch next bus as it comes around. Buy day pass for the tube so you can ride around town all day. Get to Leister Square pronounced Lester. From there you can walk to Palace, China town, Abby, Big Ben, There are 6000 pubs in London proper so you won't have trouble finding a pint. Milroys on Greek street in Soho, if you like Scotch, 300 + brands. Menu of what to order like beer at Taco Mac. Go to the Museum. Incredible exhibits, after all the raped and pillaged every country in the world over the centuries. Pubs close at 11:45 everyone out, but ask around after that you can find these crazy after hours joints that serve into the wee hours. Best thing get your walking shoes and go explore.
  21. scooby_snacks

    scooby_snacks Active Member

    Yeah but my trips back home normally involve getting shitted with my mates. :rofl: I don't hang around too much in the nice parts of london, me and my mates are too poor for it. You normally see alot of subies in the cities outside of central london. Alot of v4 wrx wagons.

    Some of the car "cruises" are entertaining to check out too. They're like Varsity meets with mad english idiots.


    Ya, I walked a lot and went to quite a few museums. I also went to a few Pubs, I wasn't impressed with a lot of the beer, seemed kind watered down, but I found one I really liked, Fuller's Golden Pride, I think it had like 8-9% alcohol. Funny story about Leicester Square, my buddy ran into this guy about 4 in the morning, he had a bloody eye, we asked him what happened and he said he was hit with knuckle dusters so his friend shot the guys knee cap out with a sawed off shotgun, and all this supposedly happened in Leicester Square, he told us to go check out the blood stains, just a little weird.
  23. scooby_snacks

    scooby_snacks Active Member

    What were you drinking? English beer pwns everything ever known to mankind.


    I can't remember the name of the weak beers, I asked the bartender what was good and thats what she gave me. I do remember enjoying most everything from Fullers though. I know a few Germans that my take exception to your take on English beer. I saw Budweiser sold as premium beer, I had a good laugh at that.
  25. SonicBoom

    SonicBoom Active Member

    "Fish, chips, cup o' tea.. bad food, worse weather, Mary fucking Poppins... England!"

    All I can offer is the movie quote.. I lived in Italy for 4 years with the USAF and never went, minus going thru the airport once. Everyone I knew who went said it was awesome though.


    The food did suck, I think I lost ten pounds. The fish and chips I had were about the only thing I liked, oh and the full english breakfast, beans, eggs halved tomato, bacon, and toast.
  27. scooby_snacks

    scooby_snacks Active Member

    "Food sucked" the fuck it does. It's the exact same as American plus more alternatives and smaller portions. You've already mentioned two things you like. How many Italian or French dishes can you name off the top of your head you like??

    Was it the Czech premium Budweiser or just the stuff brewed in Slough? German beer is good if you like drinking soda. English bitter is as good as it gets. Strength has nothing to do with a good beer.
  28. wrxin8or

    wrxin8or Mullitt Staff Member

    fuck english beer

    belgian FTW!
  29. scooby_snacks

    scooby_snacks Active Member

    Belgian is a fizzy malt beverage. Bitter and real ale is where it's at.
  30. wrxin8or

    wrxin8or Mullitt Staff Member

    if I am drinking anything from those godforsaken islands, its either guiness, scotch, or irish whiskey


    Jack, I will lay off the food, I wasn't there long enough to make a valid decision on it, and the beer tends to be subjective to someones personal preference. I did not see any Mexican food restaurants while I was there, do they have Mexican food? If not, I think opening up a good Mexican restaurant would be a good investment there. Can Mexicans swim that far? Just kidding about the swimming, Yo gusto mucho mexicanos.
  32. scooby_snacks

    scooby_snacks Active Member

    We have over priced "Tex - Mex" restaurants usually found at entertainment complexes or malls. You didn't miss much, believe me!

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