With my little starter cable drama over, i'm looking to get the ATF temp gauge taken care of. Everywhere I see the autometer bezel cluster is $70+ for a ring of plastic, or come as a packgage with guages i don't want... so i saw this on ebay any thoughts?
a few people on the board have these. the only draw back is one of the years (i dont remember which) it blocks the low gas light but thats it. i like it personaly.
Do all years have a low gas light? Ive never seen a light go on when I was low on gas. Am I missing something on my car?
I have that gauge pod. I personally like it, especially since I didn't spend that much money on it. It does block the low gas light. But that's no big deal.
Maybe you just haven't ran it low enough. maybe you should just drive until you're on E and if the light comes on your good to go and if you run out of gas then you'll know your light doesn't work.
mine has to either be running long enough to go below E, or be turned on when its already touching E. Those are the 2 ways mine come on.
i have this one in my car. only compaint is that mine has a small gap. Fitment is not perfect but fixable. Im just to lazy to do any fabrication.
they come on if u have about 2 to 3 gallonz left in ur car's tank that means when the light comes on u have about 20-50 mph left to drive.. depends on ur mod's i tried to see after the light comes on when i was stock it gave me about 56 mph but now when i did it today it gave me 37 mph
The AutoMeter one blocks it as well. You can still see it if you lean forward a bit and look behind the pod, but regardless of manufacturer sticking a 52mm gauge in front of the gas light *will* block it if you think about it...