Good News

Discussion in 'Product & Service Reviews' started by Sti4LifR, Jan 21, 2009.

  1. Sti4LifR

    Sti4LifR New Member

    As most of us know having to replace a clutch is a bad thing. Good news is that there are companies and shops that are willing to work with us. After a string of horrible luck with my car, i've finally come upon a small but significant streak of good luck. First shouts out to Modern Automotive Performance. They hooked me up with an awesome clutch for an awesome price which you'll have to contact him for. All i have to say is that the clutch is nice and i'll write more about that in another section. It's fairly new to the scene but worth checking out i've had Act and EXeddy so i'm familar with the crowd i guess. The other shout outs go to JSC Speed cause they answered questions i had about clutches in general and were very patient and willing even though they didn't make any money off of this deal. Last but not least goes to Battleground in Smyrna. They were willing to go against policy to work with me on the money side of things. We all know clutches aint easy. Mines was a beast but i received a curtesy call and some other hookups that prove that they are stand up people.

    Oh btw i have a new Competition Clutch and the good news is that they are based out of Georgia so if you need to get at them holla at DAN the number is
    Good peoples and more posts later.
  2. Sti4LifR

    Sti4LifR New Member

    uhhh Competition Clutch is the name of the clutch. Just in case.
  3. integroid

    integroid Supporting Member

    Adam at MAperformance is the man!
  4. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Thanks for the review!

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