Good things may be coming to a Subaru Dealership near you!

Discussion in 'General Community' started by crashtke, Dec 6, 2006.

  1. crashtke

    crashtke Member Supporting Member

    I just found out that a long time friend and mechanic of mine has decided to get back into the dealership scene. He is currently trying to get a technician position at a particular Subaru dealership that I won't mention at this time (don't want to sway things either way). But let me tell you this guy is an incredible mechanic and has been tuning cars and making things go fast forever! He has also been tuning for about 12 years now, but mainly Fords. He also has worked on Evo's and WRX's since they first started coming out here in the US, but on a more limited basis than Mustangs (he worked at a Ford dealership). I really can't say enough, but needless to say I am excited. His specialty is transmissions and could probably build a tranny with his eyes closed. And for all you EAT guys he is a wonder with making automatics capeable of going fast. The guy knows his shit!

    He called me today and let me know that he is going to try to get on with a Subaru dealership and has always liked the WRX since it came out so he wanted to start focusing on them...what better way than to work at a Subaru dealership?!? When I first got my WRX he was real excited and has been begging me to get up the cash to really throw some goodies on it. So I will let everyone know if things go well. :sx:
  2. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Awesome, keep us updated!
  3. crashtke

    crashtke Member Supporting Member

    I hope it works out, but we shall see. I know his work as he has worked on previous vehicles of mine as well as my wife's 05 GT. To date he has worked on my Del Slow, my 89 LX 331 stroker convertible, my Toyota 4 runner, my suburban 2500 and my wife's mustang. The guy does awesome work and is quite talented.

    He had a 93 notch back mustang that was running in the 9's on the stock block until the stock block just could not handle it. I guess he finally found out exactly how much a stock 5.0 block could take, lol. It was kind of an experiment for him to see just how far he could push things. Obviously he does not take this approach on customer's vehicles and is pretty conservative. He has quite a bit of experience in forced induction, nitrous as well as NA motors, but he loves the turbos...especially the rotated mounts for our cars.
  4. crashtke

    crashtke Member Supporting Member

    Well the dealership in question was kind of rediculous. They gave him a lie detector test for a pre-employment scan. He was kinda freaked out by this and went to another shop. Funny, that dealership could have gotten a GREAT mechanic, but they wanted to screw around and do weird shit. I mean sure, for a high profile government job where you need security clearances or something, but a mechanic job?

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