whore bait A hot girl that picks you up only to intorduce you to her fat friends that are sitting in the corner of the bar. She intorduces you to them and then leaves you there and go's out to bait some more. No idea why they associate Jack Nickelson eating a sammich with that.....
This was from a post on NASIOC that I posted to. I commented that I saw quite a few swifts in France two years ago...
actually thats where the name came from. death of a tolnep from battlefield earth. long long ago, back in the dotcom gold rush i worked for this internet startup and had a ton of perks. including my own severs and 800 dial in ISDN numbers with servers on a sonet backbone. i loved to play quakeworld and ran the 2nd most frags per server in the world server. at the time we wholesaled t1s to Id software through a retailer and i even tried to get our company to buy the sourcecode so we could do custom pay-per-play servers. at 250,000$ the boss balked. my quakeworld name was tolnep. the squirrel thing i just had to put up cause it just plain crazy. the 'death of a tolnep' picture is boring.
although technically i got bixs from bix, it was just taken in more places so i added an S....bix gives.. the jazz player
so first one i get is of megadeath2118's_wife's wrx... but on another not out of the 9 pictures there is one of vin diesel holding a nos bottle :ddirty: