I keep getting this message when I try to search using google. Anyone else having a similar problem? I have tried searching a bunch of different thing and it keeps returning with this page. http://sorry.google.com/sorry/?cont...search?hl=en&q=9600+gt+sl+vs+8800+gts+640+sli
Working just fine for me. Was doing research for work this morning and just did a few queries a min ago.
hmm..interesting. I just tried to google puppy and vacation to test it and it still says your query looks similar to automated requests from a computer virus or spyware application. :rofl:
thats happened to me when I was searching through page after page for unsecured network security cams.
I get that screen when I'm on my school network. It looks like one of the computers somewhere on the county network has a virus that is attacking Google. Best bet would be to run a thorough scan on your computer. If nothing is found, then it may be coming from another computer on the cable/dsl network you're on.
I had a person at work get that and called us to come look at it. Download AVG for free and it should take it off. Its just spyware. Let me know if you need some help, send me a pm.