Got Pulled Over Today

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by slpymnky, Oct 17, 2005.

  1. slpymnky

    slpymnky Member

    Let me start off by asking no one to flame me. I definately have learned my lesson.

    I was on my way home from school on the way to a study group and I was on Peachtree Dunwoody Rd. I was moving with traffic at about 47mph (for those of you that travel down Peachtree Dunwoody, you know that traffic is usually in the low to mid 40s) in a 35mph zone. Then I decide to pass this one truck that was going like 30 before the lanes merged, so I downshifted and look in my rearview mirror and there is a cop behind me.

    Needless to say, I was scared shitless. I was seriously shaking. The officer came up to the car and said "Son, what IS your problem today?" I just sat there shaking and managed to mutter out a "I don't know." Then he proceeded to say "I know what your problem is, you don't need to have a car like this." I just nodded my head and apologized and at this point I figured he had labled me as the typical 16yo kid (which I swear I'm not) that speeds around everywhere and I figured I was screwed. Then he asked me how old I was, then I told him. He looked at my license and told me how if he wrote me up for going 56mph in a 35mph zone, I would get my license revoked for 6 months. I started apologizing and I was getting really scared by this point. He then said "Next time, you won't get just a warning." And I was think to myself "Holy sh*t! Is he serious?" and I just smiled real big in relief and said "Thank you SO much. I promise it won't happen again." He didn't even notice how dark my tint was, probably because I had my windows rolled down. Let me defend myself by saying that I usually don't speed, I just had the sudden urge to use the boost and I definately got caught for it. I'm just glad no one was hurt and that I have learned a lesson. No speeding for me again. I just thought I would share because it was really nice of the officer to let me off without a ticket. I probably wouldn't have let me off if I was the officer, but I guess he saw how scared I was and felt bad for me or something. Lol.

    Whew, I feel really lucky. Lesson learned.
  2. Weapon

    Weapon 90lbs of dynamite Supporting Member

    yea..there is a time and place to drive fast..during heavy traffic is not sure all of us have done stupid things..glad you got off without a ticket!! be careful out there guys!
  3. jt money

    jt money 350hp mmm mmm Good! Supporting Member

    tisk tisk!!! glad you got off and hope you learned your leson!
  4. slpymnky

    slpymnky Member

    Trust me, I was going like 10mph under the speed limit after getting pulled over. Not taking any chances. If I get a ticket for speeding, regardless of how much over the speed limit, my car gets sold immediately. I am not taking any chances anymore. I still can't believe the cop was that nice. He must've been in a really good mood.

    Oh, and by no means was it trafficky, but there were about 3-4 other cars on the road.
  5. xjenjenx

    xjenjenx Member

    man. i never got a warning!!!
  6. SilverBullet

    SilverBullet New Member

    yeah i never got a warning either :sad:
  7. ShaneSTI

    ShaneSTI Active Member

    hey that's awesome you got off w/ a warning. yeah its not fun to have a ticket on your driving record. took 3 yrs to get mine off...and FINALLY i have a clean record. just watch out of the boys in blue...and use your judgement more wisely.;) now breath dude!lol
  8. scuby drew

    scuby drew techos ftws!!EEEE

    man, i got pulled over today getting off of 85 on pleasant hill to go to chipotle. i got off with nothing other than a strict lecture about loudness of cars, window tint, and getting a tag right away. i was running open down pipe at the time so i think it is safe to say i was twice as loud as milo, i couldnt even feel the l7 hitting because of the exhaust. i explained to him that it is hard to work on the car to finish the exhaust on crutches so he seemed to understand and let me go on my way saying to get a tag tomorrow. wheeeew it was a close call.
  9. bigb996

    bigb996 teh Wannabe Mod

    hey man no flame intended glad you and eveyrone else is ok and its not a HUGE deal just good you learned from it. Like weapon said we all make mistakes!
  10. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    i dont speed much either but sometimes i feel the urge to pass someone going the speed limit... got pulled over for it in TN... doing 85 in a 45... needless to say i didnt get a warning but a $300+ ticket... luckily i could plea no-lo by mail... ended up paying the ticket but the charge was brought down to 47 in a 45...

    i still pass people who i think are going slow... however, i dont go higher than 15 over and i never mess around in traffic
  11. WRX-WRC

    WRX-WRC Active Member

    cop probably didnt pace you and didnt have a radar on you so he couldnt really give you a ticket, sounds like he was just trying to scare you so you wont speed anymore. i really dont like dunwoody police, they are who i got my first ticket from. I was going thorough a school zone at probably 35-40 i know i was a little high but i didnt even know i was in a school zone. I wasnt alone i was just pacing traffic, the next thing i knew i saw a officer on the side of the road pointing at me to pull over. he said i was going near fifty but he would "let me off" with only 13 over so i didnt get any points on my lisence.
  12. gotsol

    gotsol Active Member

    I've gotten off and I've gotten tickets, been there done that. Sounds like you got a good experience to learn from.

    Let me just say, as I'm sure you know already, you ARE very blessed to have such a nice car, don't be stupid with it. I've lost several friends to car accidents, they can and do happen all the time.

  13. nsvwrx

    nsvwrx Active Member

    i got pulled over for doing 47 on north ave =/ tish
  14. I always get a warning.

    And I'll tell you why. :D

    I have a gun permit and I carry a handgun with me at all times. as soon as I hand the officer my license, I then hand them my permit and inform them that I have a loaded firearm on my person. They first ask where it is, and I point towards it and verbally describe the holsters configuration (Never reach for the gun to show the officer! haha) then they usually ask why I carry a handgun and I tell them because I used to work right next to another building where a crazy guy broke in and shot 12 employees and 5 of them actually died from the shots. So now I would rather carry a gun and never need it then to need a gun and not have it. after that we usually start talking about different firearms and then they let me go with a warning.
  15. RamblinWRX

    RamblinWRX Member

    My Escort radar detector has saved me 3 times since i bought it a month ago, 2 of which on the N.Decatur going to Emory. The cops laser bounced off the vehicle in front of me and I picked it up and slowed to 25...phew. The thing has great range, it actually picks up the radar on hemphill at tech from across 10th street over by rocky mtn. The other time it picked up a Ka band radar from about 500 yards away on I-20 when i was going a good bit over 55. I highly recommend it for 120 bucks at best buy, may save you a 300 dollar ticket, mine's already made up it's price.
  16. WRXEM02

    WRXEM02 Member

    Invest in a good radar detector, it will let you know when any forms of radar are anywhere around so that you don't get caught in a situatuon like this again. But im glad you didnt get a ticket, and try to keep the speed down a little. Going with the flow of traffic is ok in most cases but its better to have to slow down in traffic than to speed up to pass someone.
  17. WRXEM02

    WRXEM02 Member

    I have the 8500, i LOVE it!

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