Grouding Kits

Discussion in 'Modifications & DIY how-to' started by Matto357, Oct 6, 2006.

  1. Matto357

    Matto357 Crazyazn likes Naps Staff Member

    Is hyper-grounding the WRX really worth it? Who has done it? And what did you gain from it?
  2. Weapon

    Weapon 90lbs of dynamite Supporting Member

    you can make you own kit a lot cheaper with audio parts and wire from home depot..I did it and noticed a difference mostly in my car used to make my car shake when it idled..
  3. 1ll-WRX

    1ll-WRX Active Member

    or if your lazy...(like me) an ebay helps a little...mostly just bling IMO
  4. moose

    moose Infina Mooooooose!

    $10 lets you roll your own. It won't really do much unless your car has grounding problems to begin with.
  5. crashtke

    crashtke Member Supporting Member

    Agreed Moose, but it never hurts...helped mine a bit. Nt a lot, but started quicker and reved a tad smoother.
  6. moose

    moose Infina Mooooooose!

    Certainly never hurts. Just don't expect the 5-10hp gains the ebay vendors tout. :)
  7. SkullWRX

    SkullWRX Member

    I'll sell you mine for $10 if you like... It was installed but kept grounding out. I have no idea whiy. It was installed *exactly* the same as 1ll-WRX and his worked fine but mine didn't. I think it has something to do with the battery monitor in the dash gauge pack. The kit itself it in pretty good condition. After all it's just thick wires and some bolts.

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