Not sure if anyone would be interested, but NP is getting a little old. How about a GT4 G2G. We could all meet at someones house and beat on GT4 for an evening. It would be a nice change from the normal weekly NP meet.
I'm definetely up 4 that. I'd have it at my apartment but its a little small to have a bunch of people at... It's a good idea though, especially since its been raining and cold the last 3 months for NP.
Sounds like it would be some fun. I'm down for it. I'm used to Xbox now but I had PS2 for ever so I'm sure it will all come back to me.
We could all meet at my place, or if Milo would be down we could set up a LAN like they do with HALO. It would just be a matter of getting 1 to 3 PS2's set up there.
Umm humm. Always a treat playin Halo with Milo & Amol. They're not very good, but they are still learning, so I try to help them out as best I can. No really, I just beat Milo the other day for the first time. It was great. And Amol is Halo/Halflife 2 Whore, pretty much unbeatable. haha not for long....
I can do the same, so we have at least 2 PS2's, but do we have the other stuff, i think we would need a network adapter and I don't know what else.
Not sure if I will, I want to go Bar Hop. Haven't been out in a long time, btu we will see what happens.