
Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by WRXCoupe, Mar 21, 2009.

  1. WRXCoupe

    WRXCoupe Active Member

    Believe it or not I have never owned a gun. I have always talked, or fought my way out of situations. Handguns are illegal in Chicago (where I'm from). Fast forward to now. Unemployment breaches 13%. Crime in Atl. is sky rocketing. I live in a questionable apartment complex. Girlfriend's town home community has gone straight to hell. Everyone here other than me is armed.

    So girlfriend calls me,"I don't remember leaving those lights on in the house, can you come over and take a look". "Sure be right over, stay in your car, don't go inside". Me being the hero I go in the house armed with what I could find: butcher knife and bottle of Merlot (cheapest one so not to waste), thinking to myself if you run into someone with a gun you're going to either have to take your chances, or ask them if they would like red wine with their dinner and I am just here to cut the roast beef to your request sir!?

    The clouds parted and the heavens spoke to me, "time to get yourself a gun dumb ass!" So: Apply for a license and then get a gun is, I am assuming, how it works. I want to get something that I can use close range that is effective for home protection. I don't intend on using it for hunting, or outside of my home. This is going to be used to shoot people if necessary. I have a bad temper and I know about the only place to shoot somebody where you won't go directly to jail is in your home, even if it is self defense. I don't want anything with a hair trigger or that is prone to jamming. I want something simple, reliable,that is small enough for the element of surprise but has adequate stopping power. I was thinking for the element of surprise a snub .38 something you can palm and for situations where I have to hit multiple targets maybe a shotgun. Cost is a factor but not a solo determining one.

    I would be happy to pay for range time and ammo if somebody wants to show me the basics on how to shoot.
  2. nicad

    nicad Yes I am a troll

    you don't need a license to keep a gun in your car and vehicle. we respect the 2nd amendment down here.

    go shoot a few different guns in 9mm and .45. find something that eats cheap ammo so you don't go broke learning how to be proficient with it. if you want to tag along with wrxin8or and I to the range sometime feel free. just don't act like a dumbass and listen to what we say. If you're a total newb, consider taking a class since we aren't professional instructors

    shotguns are pretty hard to beat for home defense, and they are cheap

    edit: I would look at a semi auto 9mm with JHP rounds. wheel guns are nifty and all, but I'd rather have 16 rounds than 6.
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2009
  3. WRXCoupe

    WRXCoupe Active Member

    Good stuff to consider. I wouldn't mind tagging along and all to see what it's all about sometime.
  4. wrxin8or

    wrxin8or Mullitt Staff Member

    You can pick up a Mossberg 500 12 gauge shotgun for $200-$300 even now with prices the way they are.

    Nothing will make an intruder shit themselves like racking a shotgun.
  5. Lol, whats wrong with wheelguns? They have their place... I carry one as a backup because it weighs next to nothing and I don't have to worry about it jamming. But yeah, if you go by "carry as much gun as you can conceal," then I guess revolvers come up short.

    Shotguns are great for home defense... racking a shotgun is a pretty unmistakable sound, so that has intimidation factor all by itself. Since you've not owned a gun before I would definitely recommend a firearms safety course... they're pretty helpful and not expensive at all. It's not necessary of course, just not a bad idea. :)

    Then, like nicad said, range time!
  6. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Ive heard about crime increasing down here but I have not seen any first hand. Then again, I live next to Atlantic Station, not in Atlantic Station.

    I have also been pondering the idea, there are just so many options out there :)
  7. SonicBoom

    SonicBoom Active Member

    Another vote for shotgun... I have a Mossberg 500 with a pistol grip and fold over stock... I'm pretty sure an intruder would shit his pants seeing that, if the aformentioned racking noise hasn't allready send him running. And.. if it doesn't, a shotgun doesn't have to be aimed, which is good for a novice. Just point in the general direction, and BA-BOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! dead bad guy.
  8. mmtasty

    mmtasty Active Member

    I'm LOVING mine... Springfield XD 9mm. It's my first (and only) gun and the more I learn about guns the more I like it. Cheap, cheap ammo, shoots consistent, small... but MY main selling feature is that it has several "safety" features. It has two safety switches, you can see the pin if it's cocked (huhuhuuu I said cocked), and has a flipper thingy that comes up when there's a bullet in the chamber. Plus it holds 16 rounds and I've read that the Glock 30 rounders will also work.

    But for home safety, shotgun allll the way. Just sucks there's nowhere to shoot them for practice. Not that you'd need it... just for fun.
  9. josh booth

    josh booth Active Member

    I have a S & W 9mm that I keep in my car at all times will not leve home with out it. I also have a XD45 that I will let go for $500 it is just to big for me I bought and shoot it 1 time and it has been in the box since let me know...
  10. BKiller

    BKiller Active Member

    If you really want something just for shooting bad guys I would go with the Taurus Judge. Revolver that takes .45 and 410 shells. Awesome close range gun.

  11. wrxin8or

    wrxin8or Mullitt Staff Member

    Check out this link...
  12. BKiller

    BKiller Active Member

    Yeah, I've seen that. That guy is all about extreme stopping power. He says that the gun is no good because the birdshot will only penetrate 2" into flesh.
    I have a feeling a face full of birdshot will stop all but the most aggressive attackers.
    Oh, and if that doesn't work, load in some 45cal behind the birdshot.
  13. 07Ltd#767

    07Ltd#767 The Neighborhood Drunk

    Seriously...since when is 12" of penetration not enough? (yes...I'm smirking, too :keke:)
  14. wrxin8or

    wrxin8or Mullitt Staff Member

    If I am using a weapon for home defense, 2" of penetration is not enough. If someone breaks into my house, they are going to be on the receiving end of a .45 hollow point, and it will not be a wounding shot.

    And if you are just going to load the judge with .45 long colt, there are much better/cheaper options out there for a wheel gun.

    Now, if you want a cool fuckin gun to bullshit around all means go with the is a really interesting and cool platform. I just wouldn't use it for home defense.

    This is just my opinion.
  15. Jake

    Jake Active Member

    i missed my gun the day i sold it. im still wanting another one bad.

    unfortuantely finances are first.
  16. If you want realiablity and all around a good gun for the price, you cant beat glock. Good frist time gun, as well as a good modified gun. The more you shoot, the more you will find your nitch for what you like, and there are lots of mods for glocks. You mentioned you dont like hair triggers, you can modify the trigger on a glock for different pounds of pressure, stock is 5lbs of trigger pull. I know you can go as high as 8lb trigger pulls.
  17. knhtrdr

    knhtrdr Active Member

    The springfield, Im thinkin the xd or xp series .45 will be my next gun. it's the only gun since my Glock that I really like. I like the shotgun for ease of hiding in a closet or on a wall but for me I like the .50 desert eagle. Intimadation factor might not be as high but when u shoot it will be. Like the others said, go to the range and take a course saftey first!!
  18. nicad

    nicad Yes I am a troll

    play counterstrike much?
  19. 07Ltd#767

    07Ltd#767 The Neighborhood Drunk

    nah...tomb raider :coolugh:
  20. Berzerklo

    Berzerklo Active Member

    OP: I had the same realization about a year ago when there were all the tornados hitting downtown. I heard reports on the news of looting happening about 5-10mi from where I lived. Next day I picked up my first gun.

    A Few things:
    You do not need a concealed/carry permit to keep a weapon in your car or home. If I remember the laws correctly for keeping it in your car loaded, it needs to be in a holster and in either your console or your glove compartment. I think you may be able to have it in a holster in plain sight while your are in the car too. But Georgia has about the easiest permit application - you need a pulse, a clean rap, $35 and a trip to the local court and police station.

    As for a choice in weapon, there are pros and cons to a handgun vs shotgun. If this is your first gun I recommend something with good safeties (whether it be a true thumb switch safety or grip/trigger safeties) regardless of which flavor of gun you decide on.

    If it is home defense you should probably get a good tactical flashlight for it - you want to be able to see what/whoever is breaking in (and they are blinding bright). Only some pistols have the lower accessory rail for a gun mounted light or laser (and they are all semi autos) and you have a lot of mounting options if you get a shotgun.

    If you get a hangun, make sure you buy some hollow points to keep at home - they will give you all the stopping power you need. If you get a shotgun buy a 20 gauge and keep 00 Buckshot (basically shooting marbles) and a few slugs and you will be set. As cool as the double pistol grip shotgun looks, try shooting 00 Buck out of one first - all the recoil goes into your trigger hand. I tend to prefer the full stock personally.

    Finally, think about where you are going to keep your gun locked up when you aren't home/ have a bunch of people over. The last thing you want is someone to steal your gun so its a good idea to have a secure place to keep your firearms. Since handguns are way smaller, they tend to be easier to lock up/hide than a shotgun.

    Whatever you get make sure you are comfortable with it. Oh, and pick up a cleaning kit and a few extra magazines when you make your purchase.
  21. wrxin8or

    wrxin8or Mullitt Staff Member

    Don't forget plenty of ammo. Ammo prices are skyrocketing right now too...

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