I was looking into some hands free bluetooth devices to install in the wife's car so she can stop talking with a phone up to her ear. Was going to keep it simple and looking at something like the Parrot CK3100. Anyone have experience with this or a device similar?
The Parrot is much less intrusive than the one I've been looking at: http://www.amazon.com/Accessory-Pow...UTF8&colid=3DQ1IA63J8FHI&coliid=II26NECTALQ9K No personal experience, but a ton of good reviews.
I saw that one and it appeals to me purely from the ease of install. Are you thinking of getting that one? The price is very attractive too.
Yeh, I put it on my amazon wish list last week. Not sure when I'll actually get it, but it should be in the next month.
If she has some sort of aftermarket stereo, or you're thinking of upgrading it, most manufacturers offer nice integrating systems to consider as well. And all are plug and play.
thats understandable. let me know if you find anything good, I'm trying to do the same on mine. thanks.
My initial impressions are, I love it!* *Problem is, no one has called me while I've been in the car since I've got it. That, I'm sure, will change this week while commuting to/from work. However, I did a test call to my voicemail at work and the audio quality was great! True test will be when I'm on the interstate at 70mph. Setup was a breeze! My phone instantly recognized the Flexsmart X2 and paired with it no problem. Now I can stream music from my phone via bluetooth and play it in my car. It also comes with two cords... a 3.5mm cord to play music from your phone or mp3 player that doesn't support bluetooth and the other is a short micro usb for charging most newer, non-Apple, phones. My only gripe so far is that the flexible extension doesn't always stay where you want it to. This might be a non-issue for some depending on where their cigarette outlet is. Mine's recessed in the lower center console, so I actually had to turn the adapter upside to make it fit. That's my guess as to why it won't stay where I want it because of the odd angle. I have to say, for $50 it's a no brainer.
Got a chance to test it out yesterday on a short call and today on a longer call while driving home from work. Speeds were from a dead stop (go figure, it's Atlanta traffic) to around 75mph. I could hear the caller very well, they said I sounded garbled some, but that could've been on their end not mine, tough to say until I use it more. The call yesterday was horrible due to the station I chose to use it on. It was the same one that I did my initial test with, but it started picking up a lot of interference in Atlanta. After doing some manual station surfing I found a new one that seems to work well for my commute route, so the sound was much, much clearer today. After the call, I streamed music via BT the rest of the way home. Loved it!
The garbled thing is a bluetooth issue. Audio in is usually good but audio out is never that great. Everyone I talk to on the phone says they have a hard time hearing me...garbled and cutting in and out. I have $7000 hearing aids that have bluetooth built into them.....so I get all my phone calls and can answer without even touching my phone. I do have to wear a neck thingy but hey least I can hear better.
Gotcha! Well the good thing is, besides being garbled some during my convo, I was never asked to repeat myself, so it couldn't have been that bad. Definitely better than nothing and a lot handier when driving a manual.
I've found a delay in all different types of BT I've used. The factory BT thru the stereo in my car sounds great, but there is still a delay. As stated, annoying, but better to be safe and deal with it.
Yeh, the BT in my TSX was really good imo. This is as close as I'll get to it at this price point for sure.