Hey guys, We need a name for the Subaru of Gwinnett Peformance Division. We have considered: 1) Driven 4 Performance 2) Personalized (4) Perfomance 3) WRX Atlanta Performance 4) Anything else or my personal favorite, and possibly what we'll use: 5) SoG Performance Things to consider are that for some people they like the implied reliability of being a Subaru Dealership, others might be "scared off" by being a dealership. It appears that being associated with the dealership so far has done more good than harm, hence the desire to possibly name it SoG Performance. We might be able to play on the SoG logo by keeping it in the name, or we could come up with a whole new logo. All responses / submissions are much appreciated. If you pick the name we use, or we use one of these and you make a good logo, you win $50 in SoG bucks. Thanks again, Scott
i personally like the SoG performance title. would be a positive spin for the dealership. its refreshing to know that you can take your car to a dealer, especially with all the non mod friendly dealerships out there. but WRX Atlanta Performance is pretty damn tight also..
SoG Performance ...to me, it was an easy decision to work with SoG because of the fact that it's a dealership. No brainer. Being a Tri-State native, I've heard horror stories of mod UN-friendly dealerships which really turns most people I know away from modding their car. I think playing up on this will only be a good thing for business! And of course a website...cough cough ahem. Call me.
I wouldn’t limit it by using WRX and would maybe try to expand it past Gwinnett. Maybe something like Georgia Subaru Performance (GSP?) or Subaru Performance of Georgia (SPG?) and then follow it with byline such as ‘a division of SoG Motorsports’ like Alex used above. I liked that. Not sure about expanding it past Georgia but maybe someone else here can figure out something clever.
I agree with Alex and Yerrow....SoG Performance Division... There's something that makes you feel warm and fuzzy about getting work done at the dealership....makes me feel better anyway... So keeping SoG in the name would be a good idea.
if you just break it down i think it makes perfect sense. SOG- obvious and has the dealership connection that many people will want performance- shows that the dealership stands by the aftermarket world to get people away from the non mod friendly dealerships. division- means that they are a part of the bigger whole working in conjunction with the parent company but also as a separate entity. the more i think of it, the more it makes me as a consumer and an enthusiast feel all warm and fuzzy inside. i know as a consumer that they are here for the long haul. and i think it has a good ring to it...
Yes, let's it'll be fun! "Centripetal Performance" "Accelerated Racing" "Revolution Motorsports" "Revolution" <- sort of like re-evolution, as in trying to be that co. which recreates the way we think about part shops. "RPM" standing for Revoltion Motorsports and Performance. Or while I'm on that topic, why not "EPM" Evolution (or Evolved) Performance and Motorsports
Zed, bring out the GIM.... Since Subaru is a japanese company how about a Japanese "like" title... Super Ultra Monkey Awesome Force Perfomance Division? SUMAFPD... Seriously, the names that people have suggested that keep the SoG seem the best to me. You don't want to have a radically different name, as that will reduce the comsumers mental association with SoG, which is already well established and respected. The incumbent doesn't change his name right before new elections for a reason...
Thanks for all the help guys. Great suggestions and great feedback. Maybe we'll sink the $50 into throwing an "unveiling" party of something. Rexrocker, can you "bring the music"? Thanks again, SS
Subaru Performance Engineering Division SPED (pronounced SPEED, per the rough draft logo below) maybe not... blah... i need more coffee...
I'm calling prior art on Driven4Performance... I came up with that one! :bigthumb: Good luck with your name search!
Unveiling of a website, perhaps? Man, I'd love to, but without a band and all my equipment up North, it would make for an interesting show!
Monk, I LIKE it. Very cool. Sped / Speed, very cool. It looks like the overwhelming votes right now are for SoG Performance (Division?) Thanks again for all the help and keep 'em coming.
Maybe we should be working on a slogan of sorts instead? More so than a name? That is sometimes all that sticks in someone’s head. Something along the lines of my favorite clothing slogan that I heard years ago. "If your looks aren't becoming.. you should be coming to us'. How could something like that translate to cars? 'If you aren't performing..' ?