I was on my way home from work today and I was sitting in traffic and smelt burning oil. Thought it was the the truck in front of me but I was unfortunately my car. Smoke started pouring out from my hood scoop and exhaust. My car is currently stage 2 running about 18 pounds with a MBC. It burning alot of oil somthing got burnt. Any ideas? Should I try to find a used STi motor? Any help would be greatly appreciated..
You should stop in and visit Andy my partner. He is located in Kennesaw. Pm me if you need directions or anything.
You should stop in and visit Andy my partner. He is located in Kennesaw. Pm Mike if you need directions or anything.
You should stop in and visit Andy my partner. He is located in Kennesaw. Pm Mike if you need directions or anything.
Seriously though if smoke is pouring out the hood scoop it should be easy to find where the oil is leaking from. I have two guesses. One is the oil return line on the turbo and the other is a cam seal.