Hey All, The car needs to go in the trailer TONIGHT. We've got a fair bit left to do. If anybody would like to come HELP (not watch) it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Siegel
I'm assuming this is going on all day? Among other appointments, I have a huge submission due tomorrow so I might be too tied up. But if you give me a time window, I'll try to swing by.
Working on a drift car sounds like more fun than being behind this desk today. Too bad I can't leave!! Good luck to you guys, I hope nothing slows you down. Brandon
I imagine we will be working on it at Batlground from now until well into the night. Anytime would be great. Siegel
BATLGROUND CAR. ALL HANDS ON DECK. we have NO appts today nothing but the car is getting our attention. Any help is appreciated, we need to weed stickers, bolt body panels on, clean cars, etc. the average has been 2am closing time this week
If my wife wasn't out of town (leaving me to take care of my Daughter) I would be over there in a heartbeat. As it is, I will wish you good luck and encourage everyone to get out there and support our local community tuner! Also, just wanted to say thanks for letting us "behind the curtain" on this project, its been fun to follow the thread!