Anyone know of a place in Atlanta that sells hog ring pliers? I am trying to install some STI Ver. 2 seat covers on my RS rear seats. I have part of the rear seat bottom done, but man.. it is no fun using a pair of pliers to do it. I have heard of people using zip ties, I doubt that will last. Either that.. or is someone able to install the remainder of the rear seat covers for me? Thanks!
You should be able to pick some up at any local Hardware store. I know for a fact that True Value carries them, and if the one near you doesn't they can get them. Where do you live?
I live in the Norcross area.. work near Perimeter. I might stop by Howard's Hardware on PIB on the way home and see if they have them.
They're a True Value iirc, so if they don't have them or know what they are give them these sku numbers: 145185 w/ spring 144857 w/o spring They both retail for $8.99 Good Luck!
haha.. yes Trey.. the STI Ver. MOO. I found a set at General Hardware on PIB. The rears are done now. Woot.
as far as before and after pics.. it would be a pic of '00 2.5 RS rear seats and the after would be STI Ver. 2 rear seats. it took a little bit but they came out perfect. the pliers were $9 and the hog rings were $2.49.
If you would've put the tiger stripe seats in your car, you wouldn't be going through all this. I would've taken the sti front seats off your hands.