If you were to look for a hood opener what features do you look for ? Anyone has a tein or similar - please comment ? worth the $ pros and cons ?
I have the Tein Hood Dampers. Well worth the money. If you do any work in the Engine compartment, you will be glad you have them. It gets the prop out, which seems to always be in the way when working under the hood.
I have the NRG ones and I love them as well...make sure the ones you go with have all stainless components, because I've heard they are prone to rust....also If you have a northern car, PB blast the fender bolts first before trying to lossen them...Ped can vouch for this tip..
not only that but it lifts the hood higher so you dont have to duck under it to wrench. i agree with scott theres a few brands out there and some have crap components that rust out. make sure the whole thing is made of ss. there a write up on iwsti on the rusting ones.
mine is only slightly taller than stock...but I'm not short...if you want to try to close my hood sometime let me know....
I just got a mental image of two guys pulling up to eachother, one getting out, opening his hood, the other getting out, closing the guys hood, nodding, shaking the guys hand and both of them driving off. I don't know why, but it made me :rofl:
I've heard that it does make it more difficult to work on or around the turbo. Can any of you attest to that?
That the Stock Hood Prop makes it hard to work on the Turbo/Uppipe, Absolutely. That the Tein/NRG hood dampers make it hard to work on the Turbo/Uppipe, no. They get that damn prop out of your way. Again, for working under the hood, these things are perfect. When I tried to do my uppipe, I still had the stock hood prop in. I had to squeeze in between it to get to a position that I could wrench from. With the props, I can just hover over it and it is not in the way at all.
I think the bottom line here is that hood dampers are helpful and beneficial if you feel like spending the $100+
I definitely need to get a set of these...the factoy prop is such a PITA to work around!! Can anyone attest to the NGR being all stainless or should I go with the tein?
my v2 NRG dampers are all stainless... Here's the link of where I bought them: http://www.iwsti.com/forums/showthread.php?t=55671
IF you want to save the $100+, you can allways tie a rope to the hood and close the other end of it in one of your rear windows/sunroof. It lifts the hood straight up, and no PITA rod.. yey! I call that the redneck damper..
Nope (at least not yet) that is a great idea though Just trying to give atl members here a good deal that cant be beat but if thats not allowed then go ahead and pay the $150 for the purdy but gets rusty ones if the board steer good deals away then so be it.